Methylprednisolone (methylprednisolone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methylprednisolone (methylprednisolone)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Severe insomnia, dizziness, depression

I will never take this medication again!

For foot pain in numn, stiffness

Why you give this to people knowing it won't help.

Chest pain nausea palpitations ligh head really ill

This stuff is horrible stuff nobody should take this stuff

While on the 6 day course, I only had headaches and excessive thirst. After I completed it, I had headaches, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, anxiety,

I stopped taking after day 2 and the side effects are so dumb. Now I have acne, lower AND upper back pain. Throbbing pain in neck. I feel like my body is literally dying. My legs just become semi paralyzed when I drive. The fact that I went for back pain and 2 days later everything is worst.

Mood swings crying headaches heart palpitations insomnia nausea

horrible anxiety and mood changes. made me feel depressed. i started to feel lump in my throat and chest pains. took away my appetite and made me extremely dizzy. didn't take it all

My legs and feet are aching so bad from taking this. It's a constant state of throbbing pain that I cannot get rid of. My mood is extremely agitated and ready to snap on someone for no reason whatsoever.

I would never take this medication again. I have had no benefits from taking this. In fact I feel extremely worse than I did before.

I hate this medicine. First day experienced diarrhea and severe anxiety attacks. Couldn't sleep and my head hurts. Im on day 4 of the meds as im afraid to suddenly stop but i haven't eaten in 3 days or had a bowel movement. My legs hurt, im crying at the drop of a dime, and im paranoid. I can't continue to take this medicine as im worse off now than i was before.

I was having some uncomfortable pains in my left shoulder, back and rib area. The doctor thought this 6-day, taper off pack steroid would help ease the pain. On the first day, I took all the first day dosage of 6 pills, starting in the evening, as you are supposed to take them when you first get them, despite the time. And, honestly, my shoulder pain and back area pain seemed to be reduced the next day. I am on day 5 now of the packet, but the plethora of symptoms I have had since taking these pills has hardly been worth it. Incredibly strange and uncomfortable headaches, either in the back of my skull, temples, or in between my eyes, and lasting all day long; a feeling of pressure in my head; anxiety; heart palpitations; bizarre dizziness; weird facial tingling; high blood pressure, foggy vision; and bouts of insomnia. I have been prescribed prednisone before and never had any issues. But, I would never take methylprednisolone, again.

Post Op severe sinus infection

No adverse reactions of ANY type. Easy to take and helpful in addressing the severe sinus infection after surgery.

I have PKD and was watching for any adverse kidney function side effects. Again, not one problem taking this drug as prescribed.

Mono with extremely swollen throat/

I was taking it for pain and to reduce swelling...which it did but it also made it very hard for me to sleep due to pounding heart increased blood pressure super charged anxiety and waking up from feeling like im not breathing

Feels like your juiced up on a crazy sugar rush and when u try to go to sleep the medication wont let u. I'm stopping after day 2 of my 6 day pack.

To stop post pneumonia symptoms

Severe anxiety, I’ve been awake for 2 days, confusion, dry mouth

Severe Insomnia and night sweat on the first day.I'm trying to stick with it. Too early to tell of it will work.

Slight headache. Muscle spasms in both calves at night.

Post-surgical care/ eye surgery

This was the pack with dose that decreases each day over 6 days. I started out leaving off one pill per day as I've always had too strong reactions to steroids.

By day three I was about ready to blast off into space, so agitated. Difficulty sleeping, irritable, hyper, anxious, slightly short of breath. I want a good outcome to the surgery and I want to comply with Dr,'s orders, but this medication leaves me feeling crazy and volatile. Will try to finish pack and in the process reduce the daily dosage a bit more, cutting some pills in half.

Severe insomnia, night sweats, increased urination, increased hunger, anxiety, agitation

I have taken the Medrol dose pack before in combination with antibiotics for a severe upper respiratory infection including the inner ear. That time, I powered through the horrible side effects and finished the pack because it was a lingering infection affecting my hearing. This time, I stopped taking it on day 2! The side effects far outweighed the benefits for me because, again, I was taking the Medrol dose pack in combination with antibiotics. I also have fibromyalgia and arthritis and the steroids make my body feel spectacular musculoskeletally but neurologically I had a plethora of negative symptoms that were too uncomfortable to ignore. Ask your doctor if you REALLY need a steroid. I am a certified pharmacy technician and feel that the Medrol dose pack is a go to along with antibiotics for pretty much everything these days. It seems like one can't be accompanied without the other. I've seen in prescribed for URIs of all types, in combination with allopurinol and/or colcrys for gout, etc... Not recommended unless you MUST!

Inflammation following surgery

Took Methylprdnisolone 4 mg. dosepak. Pyramid of 5 pills first day, 4 second, 3 third., etc. for inflammation following surgery. Felt awesome the first week. Had multiple surgeries that I expected to be flat on my back for days from. This medication gave me unexpected energy and strength the first week. Then, the beginning of the second week the negative side effects hit me hard and fast. As soon as I was done with the 5 day treatment I woke up with severe suicidal depression for about a week followed by a constant 24/7 extreme anxiety disorder for another 5 - 6 weeks after that. I lost 20 lbs. in one month due to the high anxiety level. It did finally start to level off after the 6th week but if you don't know how this medication will affect you then take it with extreme caution. I have been tested for genetic polymorphisms that are known to affect behavior which resulted in three clinically significant results for me personally which can cause or make one susceptible to diso

Insomnia, night sweating, rapid pulse, slight headache, sore throat. I called MD because med sheet said to inform doc if develop sore throat, which I did on first day & it was still there next morning. She said to just stop taking med, that there wouldn't be any withdrawal effects after only taking it for one day. It did help my sinus congestion somewhat, but my ear fullness is still there. I couldn't sleep at all taking the 6 pills on Day 1 as prescribed.

METHYLPREDNISOLONE (METHYLPREDNISOLONE): Methylprednisolone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, severe allergic reactions, certain cancers, eye conditions, skin/kidney/intestinal/lung diseases, and immune system disorders. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as swelling, pain, and allergic-type reactions. This medication is a corticosteroid hormone. Methylprednisolone may also be used with other medications in hormone disorders. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

80 mg twice daily. Completely fixed the PSVT problem- immediately, but RF ablation may be a better way to go, because of side effects, seem to worse now than when I started on it, 10 years ago.

Did not complete my course of 10 days. Threw the final 1-2 pills away, can't remember. I took this medication nearly 10 years ago. The joint/muscle pain was limited to my knees but was painful, I had a general feeling of 'sickness' that did not resolve until I quit. Aggravated/amplified my anxiety and stress considerably. Won't take this medication again.

I only took doses of this medicine & the 2nd day I took it I broke out in major bad hives even to the point my eyes started swell shut and I started having cold chills and the hives have fever in them...I have took Bactrim a 100 times before with NO problems.... I will NEVER take it again

STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG!!!!!!! Geodon ruined a whole year of my life!!! I never had any energy to do anything with my 2 yr old daughter. I am 36 miles away from my job and every morning for 6 months I would fall asleep on my way to work. I would make sure I got 8 hrs of sleep every night! One morning I just couldn't open my eyes and crashed my car. I then called my Dr and told her that I was done taking it. The withdrawals are really bad headaches, mood swings, confusion.. My Dr then introduced me to Lamictal.I now feel like I have my life back!!!

Headache, neck pain, jaw pain, chills and, eventually, heinous hives requiring medical treatment.

It beats getting colon cancer. Suck it up and do the prep. I'm a nurse and believe me, the alternative is much worse.

I began Junel-Fe because Loestrin 24 was giving me erratic periods. That was the only side effect though. Junel-fe, in comparison, gives me way more side effects. I do get my period as expected with it which is the only thing I like about it. The first month took Junel-Fe, I actually thought I pregnant because it felt like it! I think my breasts were even more tender than when I truly was pregnant. They tingled like when I breastfed...weird. Now, that I have been on it 3 months, I notice that I have acne worse than I've ever had it. It is the the kind that is a bunch of bumps grouped togetherIt isn't the big kind of pimples, but it still bothers me. Going to ask doctor to switch again. Not happy with it. i have been on several kinds of bc before and never had breakouts this bad.

Flulike symptoms, loss of hair, chronic cough, severe cramping, blurred vision, headaches, fainyed twice for no reason.

I can use it every other day, or every second day and it is very effective. Give Rhinocort a try. It's better than the others. (low volume of mist, gentler)

frequent diarrhea, severe stomach cramps, severe dizziness, painful bowel movements.