Medrol (methylprednisolone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Medrol (methylprednisolone)

Headaches. Anxiety. Dizziness Stomach ProblemsElevated blood pressure

I have always refused steroids since I was given an IV of Solumedrol when I first got diagnosed with MS. I haven't taken steroids in 15 years but now my symptoms are really horrible with MS and I was desperate to knock out some inflammation and agreed to do just a three day Medrol dosing which was day 1 two pills, day 2 one pill day 3/ half a pill. Just that small amount has created a nightmare for me and it hasn't given me any relief. I've had to take insulin to keep my blood sugar low. It's ridiculous. Why can't they come up with a medication that helps you where you don't have to suffer more side effects. Its just insanity. Why can't research and these big pharmaceutical companies come up with something to help us. We are already feeling awful. What's the point of taking medicine to help you if it makes you feel worse. UghBillions in research wasted. Disgusting

Took the whole pack of them like it says to. 6 and then 5, 4, 3, 2, then 1. It didn't help my asthma at all, if anything it made it worse because it made me extremely anxious and ocd. I couldn't stop moving. Felt like my body was full of jumping beans or something. Night sweats. Angry rages. It upset my stomach and my pee smelled like maple syrup. Chest tightness and wheezing. Heart racing and body shaking. Today is day 2 of being off it and I'm still having issues with sweating, but it's getting better. Mostly just very thirsty now.

Is that how it feels to be on meth? It made me feel crazy

Major anxiety, rage, fear, emotional wreck, crying, insomnia, hot flashing at night, headache, racing heart, irregular heartbeat. I was on a 6 day regimen 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 dosage.

I took the 6 day dose pack. Never again. On the third day after my last dose, my heart began to beat irregular, my anxiety was so bad my husband almost called an ambulance. I thought I was losing my mind. Drenching night sweats began 8 days after my last dose, insomnia. It's been two and a half weeks since my last dose and I'm still not sleeping well, sweating, edgy and anxious. I called my MD, he ordered a battery of lab tests, CBC w diff, liver and kidney functions, thyroid - he called me this morning to let me know everything is normal and that the anxiety, etc. is possibly from the dose pack. He gave me Rx for diazepam 2 mg. I do not recommend this medication, especially if you have pre existing anxiety disorder (I do) or any other mental/psych issues. Discuss the side effects with your MD if you are Rx'd this drug, better yet, DO NOT TAKE IT.

Crippling anxiety, crying all day, afraid of everything, crawling out of my skin, agitation, mood swings, heart racing, potassium depletion. Off two weeks still having night sweats and bad anxiety. Never again.

Intense stomach cramps, gas, diarrhea, mood swings so bad I cry all day, hot flashes followed by feeling like I'm freezing to death.

I have severe psoriasis and I've avoided medication for it for exactly the symptoms I've experienced with this awful drug. My stomach hurt so bad I couldn't get off the toilet for over an hour this morning. I'm on day 4 of a 6 day dose pack and I'm seeing minimal improvement in my skin, so far it hasn't been worth it.

In the past when I have taken it, it make me feel edgy and short tempered.

For me it did not touch the pain in my neck at all. I am going to stop and try something different.

This is the 4th time in 7 years I have asked for the medrol dose pack because of herniated disc flare up. It has helped me avoid surgery by getting rid of all inflammation caused my disc and disc fluids herniating and touching nerves. I have a very physical job and can go 1-2 years without any issues with back (lifting heavy things digging, painting ect.) but when the stars align just right just wrong turn can cause an issue and I am barley move or even adjust position in bed when laying down. The dose pack allows my body to recover and metabolize any fluid that came out of disc and get me back to an active lifestyle. Weight loss and physical therapy can also beneficial and potentially reduce or completely get rid of the need to have to use it again. In many ways this med can give you a second chance.

I highly recommend trying this especially if it can prevent surgery.

Just had a three level neck fusion

The first day you take 6 tabs so I started it in the after taking the second pill I started to have a severe headache with high BP and racing heart anxiety went through the roof and just felt like I was going to climb the walls.I had a tingling sensation all over my head.I decided to keep taking it because of the severe inflammation I had from my neck surgery and I will not ever again take a medrol pack..I've had many steroid shots with no problems so I would recommend getting the shot instead of the dose pack

Coughing, headache, back ache dark urine

I felt horrible the whole time and don't seem to be getting better

Given IV one dose before iron infu

Had a one time dose over one hour IV on Thursday 2/18/2021 before iron infusion. Didn't sleep well that night but felt good on Friday. Saturday have nausea, headache, weakness, leg pain, shortness of breath, red swollen face. How long will these side effects last?

May need more iron infusions, don't want to take sol u medrol again.

I took the first day dose and felt really good. That night I couldn't sleep. I decided not to take the medication anymore. On night 2 still no sleep. I began experiencing high anxiety and on night 3 and still unable to sleep. My doctor prescribed xanax, which hasn't helped and I took a sleeping pill which really didnt help either. Worst experience of my life.

The meds actually work. But horrible side effects.

Headache, heartburn, dizziness, increased temperature, increased appetite, and tiredness.

I was given this medication to take over a course of 6 days (tapered dosages). I just didn't like the way it made me felt. I will finish the first full day, but won't continue, especially after reading these reviews. The heartburn and headache are like nothing I've ever experienced before while taking a medication. Heartburn chews don't cut it! I also noticed that my temperature increased and that worried me a bit too because I've read that this medication can cause prior/recent infections to return. No thanks!

Could not sleep! Night sweats. But the most severe side effect was extreme joint/bone pain! Every 2 hours at night had to put lidocaine cream on or take 2-3 hot baths all night to temporally subdue the pain. Was told to not stop the pack until finished. It's been 4 weeks since completion and the joint/bone pain is still intense!

Sweating, hot flashes, mood swings

Made my unbearable foot pain i had been dealing with for 8 months subside until got to end of 1st pack so got Dr to ex one more. Very helpful good side effect was feeling normal and in good mood with no pain. The bad was when I would get moody at end of day. Also couldn't sleep well. I would take again if in that much pain again

I may say pill helped decrease pain but the side effects during and after taking the pill, is not worth it. I took the pill for 6 days starting at 6 pills the first day, 5,4,3,2,1 as the days went by. I have been off the pill for 2 weeks now and still remain with lack of sleep, extreme bloating to the point were I had an episode of a sharp left side chest pain when trying to breath in deeply, which in turn caused me to panic, took advil for the sharp pain decreased it but still felt the sensation and after that episode I felt weakness and light headed. Haven't been able to sleep in fear I will get that episode again. The main side effect for me of this pill has been extreme bloating, lack of sleep, sometimes nauseaus, which in turn I triggers my uneasiness of being at work and anxiety. Afraid I may have that chest episode again.

I would not recommend this pill, the benefits do not outweigh the side effects. If I would have known side effects prior to taking this I would have waited to see other options for my pain.

First 2 days no pain and somewhat manic with a ton of energy and clearer mind. Starting day 3,4,5 extremely severe anxiety and panicky and sweating and hot flashes and skin crawling feeling. Don't want to leave the house anxiety is so bad. 2 days of no pain is not worth feeling like this. I will never take the dose pack again if I can avoid it!!!

I'm sitting here losing my mind... DO NOT I repeat DO NOT ever take steroids called MEDROL it will mess u up... I went to ER on the 7th got a steroid shot there and a prescription to get the next day .. well that was a nightmare and I'm still living it .. until it clears outta of system... I can't function normal hard to do anything but stay in bed .. can't even sleep ... Nausea like crazy can't eat... hope it gets better before it gets worse... and being alone while this sick is scary... I called out the ambulance last night around midnight but there was no help there from them .. so I'm completely doing this alone .. and care for these animals.... 10/7/20 that evening started the pack at 4pmHad to stop Friday night at midnight and then got scared and called for an ambulance... but nothing they could or would do... today is 10/11/20 and I'm still not the same... in bed trying to sleep when I do only 3 to 4 hours.. then when I have to be up the whole I'm just sick

Never again will I take this medicine.. and my throat still hurts...

Tinnitus caused by shingles vaccine

Just started first day where you take the most then gradually wean down. Legs ache, knees hurt. Feels like my calves are wanting to cramp. Feeling anxious and no appetite. No change regarding the tinnitus but I'm only on the first day.

I took this about 8-9 years ago for hives and it made me manic. I was undiagnosed bipolar at the time.

During last week of medicine felt loss of focus nd severe dizzeness and it has been 11day after taping medrol dizzeness is still there! A bit scary

MEDROL (METHYLPREDNISOLONE): Methylprednisolone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, severe allergic reactions, certain cancers, eye conditions, skin/kidney/intestinal/lung diseases, and immune system disorders. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as swelling, pain, and allergic-type reactions. This medication is a corticosteroid hormone. Methylprednisolone may also be used with other medications in hormone disorders. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

i do not experience spotting on this pill, as i did on mircette. so far i'm a fan, aside from the stress that comes with having little to no period.

I have taken this drug off and on since 1990 I agree it is a evil drug and I let myself get pretty bad before I allow the drs to start me on it. I just changed to avastin and after second tx had the worst ha of my life couldn't stand and couldn't keep my eyes open. Each time I have to start them I try to start with the lowest dose and add if I need to. As low as 2nd a day as much as 16 mg a day.

Feel edgy, having bizarre thoughts, like feeling as if I might say something inappropriate to someone or do something strange like chewing the stuffing out of a pillow like a dog.Strange dreams.

It's been at least a year since I've last taken Cipro. Like the product insert says, severe, irreversible neuropathy is among the possible side effects. Just imagine burning, temperature-induced pain in all of your extremities.The research I've read on Fluoroquinolone toxicity, describes an autoimmune, Raynaud's-like, vascular condition that chokes off blood to peripheral nerves-- hence irreversible nerve damage and occasionally, severe pain. Damage to tendons may follow a similar pathogenesis.My self-experimentation with vasodilatory substances, including Niacin (flushing type), Ginkgo, and topical Rogaine, have effectively brought this disease-- yes, this is a disease despite what doctors may imply-- to tolerable levels. It is still extremely inconvenient, however, as it is not my only underlying health condition!The lack of post-market research into fluoroquinolone side effects means that there is little your doctor can do to recognize or treat this condition. Steroids have been proposed as a treatment to many-- but with existing tendon damage this is kind of a bad idea.For the legal sake of this excellent website, I am not a doctor, and these statements have not been evaluated by any governmental medical body.

I started taking it 2 days ago. Yesterday I had the MOST HORRIBLE metallic/chemical taste in my mouth and I couldn't stand to drink water. This morning, I have the same taste. Its HORRIBLE. I am not sure I want to continue taking this. I can't stand to suffer 16 hours in exchange for 8, even if it is sleep. There has to be something else out there.

Took meds for 10 days, as required. Now, three days later, I am unable to keep anything down. Severe mood swings as well as diarrhea. Crippling abdominal pains, dizziness, nausea and a few other symptoms. Called to speak with my doctor, and his nurse says just to "deal with it because it can't be that bad." The GALL!

I'm only on day 4 and going through hell. Panic attacks, anxiety, feeling mixed up. Very dizzy, lethargic, tired. No appetite. I really hope this disappears when I finish the course.

extreme tiredness, sex problems

I had mood swings, break outs, low sex drive,. The worst was nipple disharge... I was producing a milk like substance :( I was on Nuvaring before this for 4 years never had any problems. Only switched for financial reasons

Gastritis. Bloating, sadness, anxiety, stomach pain, nonstop vomitting, diarrhea, joint pain, fatigue, chills, pale skin, short of breath