Hydrocortone (hydrocortisone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydrocortone (hydrocortisone acetate)

Weight gain!!! I gained 30 pounds immediately after being put on this medication, which was terrible because I was already 50 pounds overweight. I have not gained any more weight since then, but I haven't been able to lose it either.Sleep issues. I now go to be at 2am and wake up at 9 instead of my old routine of going to bed at 10 and waking at 7.

I feel energetic now that I'm on medication--it controls my Addison's symptoms well. I just wish it didn't cause weight gain.

none - it gave me my life back. I feel so weak and sick without taking this medicine regularly.

no sideffects at daily dosage of 25mg

Really helped with shaking, panic, arrhythmia, and I sleep better.

HYDROCORTONE (HYDROCORTISONE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat minor pain, itching, swelling, and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids and other problems of the anal area (e.g., anal fissures, itching). Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid that reduces redness, itching, and swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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2 days after taking medication my tongue was still swollen had trouble swallowing and breathing.

sickness numbness to feet and toes memory loss always reapeating myself not wanting to live short of breath no will to do anything.anoying to other people.sweating all the time.soaking in sweat all night.horible taste in mouth all the time.bored.arguementive.not the nice person i used to be.

shaking sweating neausea rapid heat beat. insomnia, leg jerks

I would not recommend this drug to ANY one for ANY reason. I've been off for about three months and most of my side effects have gone away.

Loss of creativity, I'm an artist too. No desire to be around people. Loss of memory short term. Can't remember why I left a room. Less interest in people I love. Giant appetite, easy to gain quickly on this med even if I skip a meal. Very very tired. I sleep 10-11 hours a night and could sleep more, sometimes take a midday nap. Always drinking coffee. Shaky muscles. Blurred vision. Twitches. Eye jiggling noticed when trying hard to get into art. Abdominal discomfort and swelling. Itchy burning skin, swelling in hands and feet. Still depressed, increased suicidal thinking, still schizoaffective-- still getting messages from the ether. I refuse to increase it more. Still self mutilation desire. Cotton mouth, cotton throat, cotton eyes. Contacts less comfortable. At my wits end because I've run the mill on meds. So I will camp on this one for a while, nothing else is any better. Been taking meds for almost twenty years so that's life.

Last posted in Oct. 2006. Just about everything except the dead jaw syndrome. Please read my comments that follow.

It did immediately lower my bp to 120/80.

Anxiety, racing heart, severe diarrhea, felt like fainting. VERY NASTY MEDICINE.

Low blood pressure on standing up. Sleeplessness. Better sleep when taking dose before bed. Can eat most foods on the restriction lists, but there are definite MUST NOT eat foods see link http://www.dr-bob.org/babble/20010814/msgs/75408.htmlSome doctors don't like prescribing it due to unjustified fear of side effects so I had a hard time getting it.

750 mg. Now I walk like I am 80 years old. I had taken this for 7 days and noticed I was limping around the 4th day, but attributed it to sleeping "crooked". Continued to take it and woke up this morning and can't walk. I was in tears. This is not a medication that I EVER would take again. I think the FDA needs to know about how crippling this is. I am going to my regular Board Certified Internal Medicine specialist and asking him some questions. I wonder if I will ever get better