Florinef (fludrocortisone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Florinef (fludrocortisone acetate)

FLORINEF (FLUDROCORTISONE ACETATE): Fludrocortisone is a man-made form of a natural substance (glucocorticoid) made by the body. It is used along with other medications (e.g., hydrocortisone) to treat low glucocorticoid levels caused by disease of the adrenal gland (e.g., Addison's disease, adrenocortical insufficiency, salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome). Glucocorticoids are needed in many ways for the body to function well. They are important for salt and water balance and keeping blood pressure normal. They are also needed to break down carbohydrates in your diet. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I went to my OB/GYN at my husband's request as I was just too irritable for him to deal with & we assumed it was linked to my menstrual cycle. Without consultation of any other healthcare professional, he prescribed 20 mg/day Serafem (Prozac).

I wouldn't risk using it. It's not worth it.

My major concern is the memory loss. I am just starting a nursing assistant job and have been thinking this is going to mess it up. I feel like I have dementia. My vocabulary has diminished severely. Does this side effect go away after a while. I am also taking celebrex and wondering if that has been interacting in a bad way. Other then that I think my mood is stabilizing.

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Of all the meds I've tried, Strattera was the hardest to get used to. The first week and a half was really rough and I nearly threw in the towel a few times. But was it ever worth it! After my bipolar was under my control I noticed other symptoms that were hidden behind bipolar. I was diagnosed with ADHD. I didn't know how bad my ADHD was until Strattera took away the complications of the disorder! I feel more focused, and calm then I have in years.The nausea (worst I ever had) and vomiting stopped after the first two weeks or so. So did the sleepiness. Now I feel alive and happy again. Colors are litterally brighter and I am able to drive again without getting distracted. I still have no appetite and no longer crave my comfort foods. Eating was my version of fidgetting. I have lost 7.3 pounds since the first of November but I also had lots to lose and have drastically changed my eating habits since starting the pill. I am finally remembering to take my bipolar meds too! Fantastic medication - if you can get through the adjustment period!

Numbness of tongue, hunger that goes away after about 30 minutes. Tired after taking. RLS during the day. I take it at night before bed.

I know two other people on the drug. They both took it for migraines. One had to stop the other is still on it. They both had substantial weight loss. The person who no longer takes it had tingling all the time and facial ticks. The other person had increased energy and trouble sleeping but no tingling. She doesn't mind the increased energy.

As soon as I noticed the weight gain, I started drinking water like crazy, eating healthier choices and continued my normal exercise routine. The weight was controllable. My other side effects remained the same but the acne worsened.

stomach pain,incredible amounts of energy (which is a good side effect)increased sex drive,no urge to consume alcohol, although i can have 1 and stop i dont "need" it which is fantastic for me as i self medicated with alcohol for years,dry mouth,