Depo-medrol (methylprednisolone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Depo-medrol (methylprednisolone acetate)

Upset, stomach, severe, depression, anxiety, restlessness

At MAYO CLINIC, they found a cauda equina syndrome, peridutal fibrosis and a arachnoiditis. Bladder and bowel incontinence, paralyse legs, no more erection and lot of pain.

Please look at the English documentation comming from Pfizer who claim that epidural injection should not be

Anxiety restlessness depression can't sleep hungry but feel sick dizzy low blood sugar heart palpitations

I took this 1 time 2 weeks ago and 1st couple of days I was fine but then anxiety crept up depression set in and I can't sleep. I feel breathless and worried about everything. I am having random heart palpitations tooHow long does 1 injection of 120mg take to go from the body please? Anyone know?? I'm so scared

Severe reaction causing severe breathing problems (I have ASTHMA), severe headache, nausea, severe dry mouth, weakness and unusual tiredness, Eye pain very high fever, thinking I had COVID, Pneumonia, and the FLU! Had the rattle in my breathing thinking I was having ASTHMA problems started using my ASTHMA medication.

Never again will I take this medication.

Headache, Depression, Suicide feeling, 5 days of crying due to depression, extreme pain, stiffness in arm., unable to sleep, body became more sensitive to cold with weakness

Cortisone shot was given for minor torn rotator cuff. The major pain lasted for 1 week slowly reducing. Depression lasted for nearly 3 weeks, still sometimes feel it. No proper sleep for nearly a month. Body is still sensitive to cold. Low ache pain which comes on and off and sometimes the pain get worst with cold air. I would never do this again. My doctor push me for it even though i did not have much pain. I did not need it but my doctor pushed for it. He never told me the effects when I asked him. He just said no issues with it. I regret taking it. I read it takes nearly 8 months to clear the body.Doctors should be held liable for giving these medicines just to make money and putting people lives at risk.Avoid steroid shots.

Headache, Depression, Suicide feeling, 5 days of crying due to depression, extreme pain, stiffness in arm., unable to sleep, body became more sensitive to cold with weakness

Cortisone shot was given for minor torn rotator cuff. The major pain lasted for 1 week slowly reducing. Depression lasted for nearly 3 weeks, still sometimes feel it. No proper sleep for nearly a month. Body is still sensitive to cold. Low ache pain which comes on and off and sometimes the pain get worst with cold air. I would never do this again. My doctor push me for it even though i did not have much pain. I did not need it but my doctor pushed for it. He never told me the effects when I asked him. He just said no issues with it. I regret taking it. I read it takes nearly 8 months to clear the body.Doctors should be held liable for giving these medicines just to make money and putting people lives at risk.Avoid steroid shots.

Headache, Depression, Suicide feeling, 5 days of crying due to depression, extreme pain, stiffness in arm., unable to sleep, body became more sensitive to cold with weakness

Cortisone shot was given for minor torn rotator cuff. The major pain lasted for 1 week slowly reducing. Depression lasted for nearly 3 weeks, still sometimes feel it. No proper sleep for nearly a month. Body is still sensitive to cold. Low ache on and off. I would never do this again. My doctor push me for it even though i did not have much pain. I did not need it but my doctor pushed for it. He never told me the effects when I asked him. He just said no issues with it. I regret taking it. I read it takes nearly 8 months to clear the body.Doctors should be held liable for giving these medicines just to make money and putting people lives at risk.Avoid steroid shots

Got injection in left knee. Was better while numbing was active. Now, knee is stiffer and hurts more than before shot when I walk

Terrible pain after 48 hours and I keep searching if there's an alternative to release this medication. Please if someone can let me know how long does it take you to release the terrible pain after the shot

Made me sweating, stomachache, vision worsen, more pressure, both eyes burn. And big deep pain between my shoulder blades.

I will tell Dr. Next meeting for no more injection for me, it was worsen after shot.

Pain worse since receiving an injection one week ago. In addition to the severe pain, there is a burning sensation deep inside my knee and general weakness of the leg. The injection site is bruised and painful in addition to the pain within the knee itself.

I would never have agreed to an injection had I known my condition could worsen. It has been seven days since I received the injection, and the pain has been severe at times.

Inflamed ankle. Intra articular injection

Pain increasing since the injection. Now 9 hrs ago and I have never felt such pain and still going up. Impossible to move any part of my foot, toes etc. Immediate pain beyond imaginable.


Extreme anxiety, depressed- never been depressed in my life, dizziness, short of breath with light exertion, nausea, no appetite, numbness in face, diarrhea, nervousness, left shoulder pain.

Never again, it has been two weeks since my injection, two weeks i will NEVER get back and i still do not feel myself.

Severe anxiety, dizziness, no appetite,Muscle cramps and muscle tightness in neck andFelt like I was losing my mind

Terrible side effects for 2 mths. Still have tightness on my neck and shoulder musclesAwful side effects. NEVER AGAINDoctors never told me of effects

Leg cramps leg muscle weakness can’t bear weight on leg.

I think it’s a horrible drug for anyone to take.

Abscesses, tremors, BMS, anxiety, weight loss, depression, skin atrophy arms and legs, still suffering 9 mos later

Horrible anxiety headaches. Both legs crampedMuscle tightness. Depression. Now thyroid is offHorrible side effects still going on after 6 weeksI was a healthy person before

Doctors don’t know this drug's bad effects!

Nightmare! I was injected in my left trapezius and shoulder levator muscles. My whole neck stiffened. I became severely anxious and went down to 105 lbs. Insomnia was awful. Still now over a year later, my neck, and both arms hurt. Shoulders have tightened. I have occipital pain and all of my muscles have tightened around my neck causing nerve pain. Know Dr. will believe it’s from the shot! I am living in constant pain! This is terrible!!

The pain was totally bearable before the shot of depo-medrol 2 days of ago. After the shot the pain has worsen. It really hurts to walk because of the pain and stiffness in my back. Hopefully I'm better in a day or two

I received an injection of depo medrol for bad allergies. I had told the doctor that I could not take the dose packs because of anxiety. One day after the injection, extreme fatigue,sugar dropped to 56, sweating, extreme anxiety,pins and needles in my feet. Missed a week of work just lying in bed waiting for it to go away!

DEPO-MEDROL (METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE): Methylprednisolone is used to treat pain and swelling that occurs with arthritis and other joint disorders. This medication may also be used to treat various conditions such as blood disorders, severe allergic reactions, certain cancers, eye conditions, skin/intestinal/kidney/lung diseases, and immune system disorders. It decreases your immune system's response to these conditions and reduces symptoms such as swelling, pain, and allergic-type reactions. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of methylprednisolone, especially if it is to be injected near your spine (epidural). Rare but serious side effects may occur with epidural use. Methylprednisolone is a corticosteroid hormone. Methylprednisolone may also be used with other medications in hormone disorders. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

For an allergy brought on by insect

PTSD, Insomnia (minor depression)

Terrible anxiety and depression for days, couldn't figure out what was wrong. I have been having panic attacks since taking it, will never use it again. It didn't help my nasal congestion at all.

biggest seem to be unexplained anxiety - yesterday almost like a panic attack.

i was initially on pentasa and entocort. they stoped working for me and after a massive flare up and hospital stay, i was put on prednisone and imuran. i gained back all the weight i had lost during my illness (pentasa never helped me gain my weight back.) i came off the prednisone after 2 months. Im still on the imuran (5 months now). it has helped me SOOOO much. For the first time since i got diagnosed, i actually feel normal again. Im at a healthy weight, eat normal, no cramps and only 1-2 BM's a day. After 3 months of being on it, i started experiencing some acne, skin rash and disturbed sleep. I reduced my dosage by half a pill (went from 2 pills to 1 and 1/2). im using a acne gel for my face and its much better. The benefits outway the cons. It feels good to feel normal. I can always pay more attention to my face and use acne gel to clear up my skin.

2nd worst med I've ever tried. Topamax was the worst.

Taste of metal in mouth stomache aches no appetite

I was prescribed Metformin after I was diagnosed with PCOS. Over the course of 4 weeks I will go from one pill a day to four a day (500 mg each). I'm currently at day 9. The side effects aren't anything unbearable. I've definitely been through worse. The 2nd day of taking this medication, I was in the restroom 4 times, so if you're about to start taking it, be prepared! I was started at a lower dosage because the side effects would be more harsh if I started out at the 2000 mg. I was told by my Dr. that many people can't tolerate the full 2000 mg a day and they have to decrease it to 1500 mg due to the person constantly being sick. Within the first 5 days of using Metformin I lost 6 pounds.

I have taken Z Packs MANY times before and have had no problems - until THIS time! I will NEVER take it again!

Slowly started feeling better, laughing more, much less iritable and feeling alive again. Tried a few others but had too many side affects. This one is awesome!