Decadron (dexamethasone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Decadron (dexamethasone)

It works well for the arthritis pain but it has given me the most debilitating, horrible panic attacks I've had in years, as well as uncontrollable shaking, especially in the mornings. Thank god I have an rx for xanax to help provide some relief from the panicking.

Works great for the pain. This was my first "strong" steroid I've ever taken but the panic attacks and shaking side effects don't really make it worth it for me.

Insomnia but took melatonin to help sleep.

I was in critical condition. I refused Remdesiver and the ventilator. I agreed to Decadron and a Bipap. I spent a week in the hospital and by the grace of God, improved and was released. Home health said my lung sounds were diminished so my family doctor added another week of Decadron and that cleared my lungs. No problems except the insomnia.

Went to Er for severe head pain from fever. They gave me decadron IV and I had a severe reaction and that was 8 months ago. Mood changes, increased anxiety, tingling in arms, hands, and feet. I still have the side effects and I am at a loss, it is horrible to live with and all the doctors say it can't last this long but after reading these reviews I know I'm not the only one. My experience keeps being dismissed with anxiety despite all my symptoms only occurring directly after the steroid.

Besides your regular doctor, what doctor do you go to for the long term reaction from decadron IV. I've been dealing with this for 8 months and don't know where to go for answers.

I have been on this drug for 4 days now, I was feeling better from covid until I started taking this, I haven't slept in 3 days, I feel anxious, my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest, im a nervous wreck

Confused, hallucinations, combative with hospital staff, suicidal thoughts,

I went to urgent care for a swelling under my tongue that turned out to be a cyst that resolved on its own. The doctor said he was going to give me a long-lasting steroid and I told him I didn't want it, so he said he would give me a shorter acting one. Well, he did not. Decadron has caused me severe anxiety, nightmares, shaking, insomnia, high blood sugar, ravenous hunger, depression, edema with swollen legs, bags under my eyes, swollen fingers and a bloated stomach.

I cannot fathom why the doctor thought the pros outweighed the cons on this one. I am still suffering after getting my injection 4 days ago. From the other reviews, it looks like it will be a while before it leaves my system. My first and last time taking this drug. Never again.

It was the worst experience ever, memory loss, severe anxiety, unable to function right .

EXTREME anxiety, dizziness, feeling like I was "outside of my body", insomnia despite being exhausted, mood swings, constant up and down of emotions

I usually don't ask about side effects but I suffer from general anxiety even on a good day and this was the worst anxiety I have ever felt. Continue to advocate for yourself and ask all questions.

Worst drug ever, severe anxiety memory loss, cognitive severy jittery feeling ,. The doctor stated that. "That's why i don 't tell patient's about side effects because they're too scary ."

Anxiety, panic attacks,palpitations, stomach pain.

Does anyone know how long this will last???

Jittery. Not Feeling like my self. Uneasy. Its been two days. The second day after i was prescribed the dosage. I didnt feel any side effects. But the 3rd day im feeling them. Dont take this drug. I asked the nurse constantly what the side effects were and she wouldnt tell me. I said i dont want to take this drug. And she kept saying, why when you've never taken it and never had any side effects. And i said ive been prescibed prednisone before. It was the worse drug of my life. But i was in so much pain in my head i couldnt vouch for my self and she still gave it to me. I dont recommend it.

Worse drug ii hav ever taken in my life. I have had to use many pharmaceutical drugs due to a stroke in the past. I took 3 days, tremors all Over with jittery inside / I have been off now 2 days and still no better!!! I have Ativan and it is not even touching the tremors and jitteriness.Stay away this is a dangerous drug !!! It should be taken off the market.

Where do I start....tremors, pounding and fast heart beat, insomnia, tingling throughout whole body (even face), urgency to pee, muscle aches in back and chest, chest pains. Off and on pains throughout arms, legs and stomach, stomach bloating, blurred vision.

Went to ER for migraine and nausea and was prescribed this evil drug. I was not told about potential side effects. I was given 10mg through IV. I'm just entering day 3 and I've maybe slept 6 hours total. This drug is a horrible disaster. Please please please do not take this!

Insomnia, but I can see, I am not nauseous, and I don't feel as if my skull cracking open.

Placed on this medication due to Bilateral Pneumonia secondary to Covid-19. I was prescribed 6 mg a day for ten days. Today I am on my 4th day. I have not slept more than 3 hours a night, if that much. My muscles ache from shaking so much and clenching. I walk, bounce and tremble. The constant jittery visible to the eye hand shaking and sensation, along with stomach pains and muscle aches is absolutely horrendous. Difficult to urinate, even though hydrating non stop. To treat pneumonia, has had me experiencing moderate reactions from this drug from hell. I can’t even rest from the pneumonia due to all the horrific symptoms. The drug lasts in your system for up to a week after the last dose and can’t be discontinued abruptly due to severe side effects! Not surprised. I have never experienced this before in my entire life. This drug is not safe and I would use extreme precaution in people that actually do suffer from anxiety, headaches, stomach/abdominal cramping, neurological issues. It is HELL. steer clear of this! Shaking as I type this!

Awful experience this dr Richard ferro gave me high dose dexamethasone sodium phosphate for a sinus infection I, experienced horrific side effects, memory loss, cognitive problems, hallucinations, severe anxiety, severe depression couldnt stop crying ,confusion a year later still dont feel right

Dont take this drug whatever you do.

I had an iv injection of decadron 11 days ago and I still experience panic, insomnia, face and neck flushing, high blood pressure spikes. After 6 days I had to go to the ER and they had to give me meds to drop my blood pressure, it was 168/128. Even though I'm already on blood pressure meds. Every pharmacist I ask says it should be gone by now. But I dont feel like myself still.

Anxiety, muscle loss, bone loss, Depression, Moon fave, increase appetite, buffalo hump, numbness tingling of hands, insomnia, fatigue, hot flashes, headaches, nerve pain

This drug is absolutely terrible. I've somehow lost weight while being on this drug, probably from all the muscle and bone I've lost. Currently tapering off, but I'm young and most likely won't have long term issues because of the drug, but still, its a terrible fucking drug.

Extreme Nausea, Loss Of Appetite, Anxiety, Crying, Racing Heart, Insomnia, Muscle Tingling and Twitching, Heart Burn, Peeling Skin On Face, Dry Mouth

I had 10 mg iv push 13 days ago and I have all of these symptoms!! Can someone please tell me how long this takes to get out of my system?

Loss of muscle in legs, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, took away my quality of life in one day.

Do not take this drug for nausea. Nausea is nothing next to this horrible drug.

DECADRON (DEXAMETHASONE): Dexamethasone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood/hormone/immune system disorders, allergic reactions, certain skin and eye conditions, breathing problems, certain bowel disorders, and certain cancers. It is also used as a test for an adrenal gland disorder (Cushing's syndrome). This medication is a corticosteroid hormone (glucocorticoid). It decreases your body's natural defensive response and reduces symptoms such as swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I use a sleeping aid 2-3 times per week.Ambien (zolipidem) 10mg works fine but feels like a drug and leaves me grumpy next day.Xanax (alprazolam) 1mg left me with a slight hangoverHalcion (triazolam) 0.25mg is awesome. Just like falling asleep normally. No hangover, no nothing.

some fatigue (although short-lived) plus some heartburn

nausea, vomiting, cramps, breast tender, no sexual appetite whatso ever!

I still have some blurry vision and dry mouth, but it's manageable. I didn't get the weight gain or memory problems like I did at a higher dose.

It works but the side effects are not worth it.

At first it was a miracle. Everything slowed down and almost nothing distracted or confused me. Then, after a few months, its effects WORE OFF. I am now so sad to be back to my ADD-confused self. I am going to try another ADD drug, I believe, perhaps Adderall.

have no side effects other than insomia,but i read an article on the internet that said during a research with this medication they found out that it could increase your chance of getting cancer,has anybody heard about that.

to skip periods, as birth control

Terrible dizziness and light-headedness (especially at night) - repeatedly woke up from periods where it seemed my blood pressure had dropped drastically (causing dizziness), followed by racing heart (to compensate for the drop in blood pressure). Symptoms came on slowly but by the third day, I only took one dose (at night) and the symptoms were even worse that night, so I stopped taking it altogether and will never take it again. I think it would have killed me had I kept on taking it.Fortunately the antibiotics I have been taking have cleared up the infection.