Celestone soluspan (betamethasone acetate; betamethasone sodium phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Celestone soluspan (betamethasone acetate; betamethasone sodium phosphate)

Massive weight gain, redistribution of body fat to the torso, bloated belly, swollen thighs, puffy swollen face.

I was talked into intra-articular injections of Celestone Soluspan to deal with knee pain after falling on concrete on flexed knees. I initially refused the injections but was assured NONE of the steroid was systemically absorbed. A massive dose of Celestone Soluspan (12 mg each knee for a total of 24 mg) was injected into my knees. One week later my weight was up 4 pounds. My orthopedist who did not inject me (it was a sports doctor) confirmed that the steroid is absorbed systemically and continues to course through your system for 4 weeks after the injection and remains in your body some time afterward. I was a fit 100 pound women who hiked 15 miles a week prior to my fall.before the injections. Six weeks later, I have gained 6.5 pounds of belly fat and have a swollen face. My body shaped has completely changed. I cannon lose the weight and keep gaining despite the fact that I am eating only one meal a day. The injections did nothing to alleviate my pain.

Side Effects forcelestone soluspan (betamethasone acetate; betamethasone sodium phosphate) - User Comments


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I gave my child his first dose around 7 pm last night as the doctor instructed. About 1 1/2 later the side effects began. His HR was 110 and Bp was 140/90. Last night was the 1st and last dose I will give him.

Oh my goodness! Is there a limit to the amount of crystal light you can use? I'm working on my second glass of this stuff. Oh boy! This is going to be a long miserable day. I am not excited. My husband is picking up some orange crystal light for me. I read that it's the best. I only had some crystal light peach iced tea at home, so I mixed that into the first two glasses. I really hope orange is better. Right now, I drink some and then I chug apple juice. Oh, and when I drink it, I have to plug my nose as hard as I can. Can't we just take some other laxatives? This is awful. I really don't think I'm going to be able to drink much more and I've only just started!

I don't get this drug. I feel like the only reason it worked was because I was so forgetful. Not to mention it caused my blood pressure to drop dangerously low, and I discontinued it that day. Luckily no withdrawl symptoms.

I wasnt on Decadron but similar- Over the 18 days on Prednisolone (Panafcortelone) treatment my symptoms varied- started on 100mg every 2nd day for 4 days then because of side effects went to 50mg every day- the worse was the intense cranial pressure (felt like my head was in a vice), Blood pressure out of control, face/lips numb, shakes, unconrollable crying, nerves shot, jittery, unsteady on feet. Then once bp was controlled with cocktail of other drugs came the neck pain (felt like head was too heavy for shoulders). Lying down was only relief. Massive abdominal oedema where I was hungry but could eat as it hurt my stomach. Depression, mood swings. Insomnia was actually a relief as after 3-4 hrs sleep I'd wake feeling not bad. After morning medicine things would go down hill...

Stomach pains, nausa, headaches, loss of appetite

This medication did get rid of most symptoms headache, fever, body aches

blackouts, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, slurred speech, memory loss--any negative s/e you can think of, I had it

It does help if you stick to a healthy plan.

I was very dworsy at first, but then I was fine. Lately, since the dosage was increased, I have found myself seeing things out of the corner of my eye, and freaking out about it. I have become very paranoid, and have trouble sleeping. I don't know if it is related, but I have also having erectile problems. if anyont has similar problems, please contact me @ [email protected]

Sore gums,Diabetes,liver function problems,high blood pressure.