Celestone (betamethasone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Celestone (betamethasone)

Insomnia, high anxiety, depression.

While it definitely helped with inflammation associated with knee surgery, I definitely would prefer the swollen knee in comparison to the depression I have been experiencing.

Allergic reaction. Lump and bruising on wrist after 1 hour of having injection into lower leg. Have had major headache for past week. Pulling sensation in limbs, stomach, back and neck.

Initially rapid heartbeat and insomia. After one week 4 pound weight gain. After 6 weeks 6.5 pound weight gain, puffy face, bloat belly, redistribution of fat to mid-section.

I was a 100 pound fit woman who hiked 15 miles a week. I fell in a parking lot on flexed knees. I saw a sports doctor who talked me into bi-lateral injections of what I now know was Celestone into my knees (12 mg into each knee). This was a massive dose especially for a 100 pound woman. I was assured none of the steroid is absorbed systemically but later learned this was a lie (the doctor apparently needed the fee due to Covid-19 shutdowns and not seeing patients.) Seven weeks later my appearance has completely changed. I have gained 6.5 pounds. The 6.5 is all in my belly as the steroid causes not only weight gain but fat redistribution. I now have a bloated belly with rolls of fat - I had no belly fat before. My face is puffy and I have developed fat under my chin. I can't fit into any of my clothes. This is a nightmare and it appears there is no remedy.

Initially rapid heartbeat and insomia. After one week 4 pound weight gain. After 6 weeks 6.5 pound weight gain, puffy face, bloat belly, redistribution of fat to mid-section.

I was a 100 pound fit woman who hiked 15 miles a week. I fell in a parking lot on flexed knees. I saw a sports doctor who talked me into bi-lateral injections of what I now know was Celestone into my knees (12 mg into each knee). This was a massive dose especially for a 100 pound woman. I was assured none of the steroid is absorbed systemically but later learned this was a lie (the doctor apparently needed the fee due to Covid-19 shutdowns and not seeing patients.) Seven weeks later my appearance has completely changed. I have gained 6.5 pounds. The 6.5 is all in my belly as the steroid causes not only weight gain but fat redistribution. I now have a bloated belly with rolls of fat - I had no belly fat before. My face is puffy and I have developed fat under my chin. I can't fit into any of my clothes. This is a nightmare and it appears there is no remedy.

Face is red, burning. Horrible headache. This is only day 2

I've never had this problem before, and have had this shot many times for different reasons. I'm not sure what has changed.

none. the best medicine to assist with severe sinus and colitis

Exactly 13 days after the injection I started having severe pain in head, dizziness, vomiting, required several ED visits, this lasted for a full month. I now have occipital neuralgia (nerves in neck connected to nerves in arm) which is debilitating and life altering.

Hip pain, possible displacement

Migraine headache for 2 days. Even my teeth hurt. Facial swelling, flushed cheeks and neck. Obviously,I had an allergic reaction, so I went back the following day and received injections for pain and nausea. The pain injection didn't help, so I was given hydrocodone and am better today. Still have minor pain behind my left eye.

Allergic reaction to an unknown origin

Low potassiumHigh blood pressureDiarrhea

For one day I felt amazing then everything went downhill fast. Ended up in ER with bradycardia and weakness. Nausea, the runs, vertigo terribly bad. Ear pressure and no need to eat more than a piece of toast Been three weeks and I am not able to leave my house!

Do NOT accept this medicine as an aide in your healing. This has been the worst 3 weeks (and how long to go??) of my life! I was fine before this.

Given a shot to arthritic knee

About 5 days after receiving the shot to my knee, I had horrible diarrhea for 2 weeks. Went to ER and also have gastro appt. This was not worth having for what it caused.

They give these shots too liberally without telling you possible side effect

The shot helped my asthma but it caused severe constipation for a couple of months

I have had almost all the side effects! Never want this medicine again. Felt like I was dying. The pain and swelling ,dizziness, nausea. It's terrible!

Rapid Heart Rate of 120-160 beats per minute for a week. tingling into my head and spine down arms. ER visit. Will never take shot again. Knew a lady who died from one.

Thinking age (41) had an effect with this shot. Maybe related to hormones in women too. I was on a cycle and maybe potassium was low too. Had taken it before with little problems.

aid mobility in rotator cuff injury

Had a horrible headache for 24 hours; some short term visual disturbances; made me very tired; 5 days later also produced heart attack like symptoms but only once; sped up my heart rate and caused some mild squeezing

Did free up the joint; took away my asthma, breathing great and helped my sinuses/allergies clear!

I was given an injection mix celestone 12 mm & rocephin 5mm the next day I took pill avelox 400mg as directed by dr. I have lost the feeling in my right arm my shoulder and right side of my face, my fingers have feeling, I was taken to the E/R per request from my doctor and had a stroke. I am not sure if the injection that was given to me by the doctors office was the casue of this stroke but I was a healthy 55 man active and no health issues....perhaps this could have cause my illness but I would advise for anyone that might be given celestone to do more research on this medicine.

hives all over my body everyday for the past 5 weeks.

I had celestone injected in my back and now I break out in hives everyday, it's been 5 weeks. Allergist says you can't be allergic to cortisone but it's an anti-inflammatory and I'm allergic to anti-inflammatorys. How long does it stay in your system. I can't stand the itching and swelling anymore.

I experienced rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and facial flushing. The rapid heartbeat has continued now for two weeks, causing a visit to a cardiologist.

Side Effects forcelestone (betamethasone) - User Comments


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I am HOPING that I can get off of this (1 mg/day)as my 2005 New Year's resolution!! I would rather have the symptoms of anxiety than all of the side effects of this medicine.

This medicine wasn't that bad until my last day taking it. The symptoms may have been affecting me before, however, until the last day. It caused serious depression for me that day. I thought I was losing my mind. I cried atleast three times on the last day of taking the medication. I also begin having very negative feelings toward my boyfriend. It made me feel as if I was no longer in love with him. I truly feel like I am losing my mind. I have had really high moments and then really low moments all in a few hours- scary. I wish I would have been told about this. Like many reviews I've read I am truly glad I came upon this website and I vow to never take this medication again. The side effects just aren't worth it at all. I feel like a guinea pig for some terrible experiment. I am truly sorry for all of us who have had to take this medication and hope that something better comes along soon, so that no one else has to take it. My symptoms have ended, however.

Sprintec is the worst BC I've EVER been on. I have been on different ones for 9 years. This one caused me to to have breakthrough with brown on some days and bright red but watery on others. That has been occurring for 2 weeks now. I got SEVERE pain in my back and lower abdomen after a month of taking this. It hasn't completely stopped to date. I was taking 1 IBU every hour just to keep the pain at bay. I def cannot get in the mood and it's like the Sahara Desert down there. I am SO happy I go to the ob tomorrow!!

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Seem to help with the depression, also had more energy, notice that I wasn't craving sugary foods as I normally do, but after taking it for 3 weeks broke out in terrible hives all over my body hurting most on my arms, hands, head and neck, also have swollen glands, went to the doctors today after 3 days of the hives, she put me on a steroids, Methylprednlsolone, hopefully it will work soon, also taking benadryl to help the itching. During the first week I had insomnia, but went away after 1 week. Felt good in the morning was able to wake up right away instead of hitting the alarm for 30 mins. as I normally did.

I can't concentrate or think clearly. I can't remember anything, I am so exhausted I sleep 14 hours a day and still take a nap. I can't do my job because I can't think clearly or remember what I was doing. Migraines haven't stopped.

Colonoscopy.. It ought be outlawed.

depression, NO SEX DRIVE at all!, tension headaches in the evening, bloating/other stomach issues

yeast infections over growth of yeast not enough friendly bacteria, fatigue

Staphylococcus Aureus Infection