Beta-val (betamethasone valerate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Beta-val (betamethasone valerate)

BETA-VAL (BETAMETHASONE VALERATE): This medication is used to treat skin conditions of the scalp (such as psoriasis, seborrhea). Betamethasone works by decreasing the swelling (inflammation), itching, and redness. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. This medication is a medium-strength corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Seems to have kept infection at bay. Was a particularly large socket left after tooth extraction. Quite snoozy once taken, slept very well!

Although the zyprexa really helped with pain it has caused some nasty side effects. The sugar cravings are torture I feel like an addict. I have gained 50ib and think about carbohydrates and surgary foods constantly. I had to drop out of college because I was not as mentally alert and find it difficult to do anything but sit in a chair and watch T.V. Doctor has refused to change my medication and if I stop taking it the pain gets really bad. I feel miserable just hoping guaifenesin will work, have heard great things.

Heartburn at night, mild headache all day, face flushing, some palpitations all began after few days on drug. On 9th day, leg and ankle swelling. Stopped taking immediately.This drug made me feel terrible.

This was the best drug I'd used for a mood stabilizer since diagnoses 4 ys ago. Since I had to quit it, I've been trying nearly 2 yrs to find a substitute, to no avail. The P-doc had thought he could counter the weight loss by coupling it with an appetite-suppressing type of antidepressant. Wrong. Newest P-doc presently thought Geodon would be similar; but Geodon had other problems, just as limiting. Very frustrating. I'm still hoping to find something I like as well as Zyprexa.

Burning, itching, minicule bleeding

This medicine was given to me by the doc to treat gastro problems that had occured for 7 days. I was in bed or on the couch for a month barely able to get up to go to the bathroom, dehydrated and in a lot of joint and muscel pain. I developed a CMV Gastroenteritis infection and an inability to produce the enzymns needed to break down milk/dairy products. NEVER take this medicine-- it is worse then whatever your illness!

After starting Zyrtec my daughter the next day began to strug her shoulders, constantly. I stopped the Zyrtec 3 or 4 days after. She's still doing the shoulder shrug when will this end :(

Initially I was very pleased with this drug as it really helped with my psychotic symptoms as well as kept me a lot calmer and even. Would very much like to get off this drug now. Extreme weight gain (100 pound weight gain over 4 years). severe gynecomastia due to high prolactin levels(my breasts are bigger than some of my female friends. Has greatly effected my self esteem. Used to swim and do not anymore because of embarrassment), excessive yawning, excessive sweating, decreased sex drive and difficulty maintaining erection/achieving orgasm.

My depression was the worst it had ever been when I started taking Effexor. It truly did help with how depressed, sad, irritable, and just plain MEAN I was. It's only been 3 months and I've gone from weighing 119lbs (on March 12th) to weighing 140lbs (as of today, June 8th) The only time I've ever weighed this much, was when I was pregnant. I've always been a tall and slender woman.... Until Effexor. I tracked my weight gain and was gaining at LEAST 1 pound every day, sometimes 2. It also makes me incredibly sleepy. About 20-30 minutes after I take it, I get so sleepy. I have Narcolepsy and struggle to stay awake enough as it is, the Effexor makes it impossible for the first hour or so after I take it. 40mg of (prescribed) Adderall doesn't even help me to fight the Effexor sleepiness. I hate it!I'm thinking about weaning off of it and I'm hoping that since it's only been 3 months, the withdrawal effects won't be TOO debilitating. I took Paxil a few years ago and the withdrawal off of that nearly ended my life, so to say I'm scared would be a massive understatement.

It did NOT make me sleepy or groggy. It gave me verbal diarrhea. Did NOT have any amnesia (spelling error) effect although I wish to G-D it had. My MD said he has NEVER seen such a response EVER. They have attempted many forms of medications & cocktails NONE of which have ever worked as intended with me.