Beconase (beclomethasone dipropionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Beconase (beclomethasone dipropionate)

Terrible anxiety, depression, light-headedness and dizzy

Could not decide why I was feeling so very low until I found this site. Not taking anymore from now on.

Like everyone here panic attacks anxiety dizzy disordered thoughts fearNose bleeds was when I stopped it. It highlights the dangers of steroids.Never again AVOID

Absolutely horrible. Was already feeling down but Jesus. This stuff has made way worrse since starting. I decided to take it a few hours before bed instead of just before. Thoughts were so dark, kept giving me a feeling of what could only be described as a panic attack but it wasn't consistent. I wake up every 2 hours for the toilet, then last night it was so mucn worse. Thoughts kept giving me waves of panic. Couldn't sleep, couldn't relax.Do not ever touch this medication ever!

It won't react this way with everyone but for some who are sensitive to steroids in any way shape or form please just stay clear. The side effects are horrendous. It's the only thing I've had differently in the last 2 weeks and I've never been feeling so low

Racing heart, raised BP, anxiety, low mood, nauseaI have been taking this for a week for congestion, prescribed by GP, had the symptoms for a week especially at night. Last night all the symptoms came within a couple of minutes of spraying it up my nose. I previously thought the symptoms were caused by stress of a new job and a change in my HRT regime but I actually think the spray is the cause as never felt so bad. not taking it from now on, never had anxiety like this and never felt this dreadful. Perhaps sensitive to the steroids as never had them before.

It did start to break up the congestion but not worth the side effects.

Made me so blocked up i couldn't breathe, made me panic

I started with severe palpitations about 4 weeks ago. I am waiting for a 24 hour heart monitor to fitted. Also I'm suffering worse anxiety than normal and feeling Very low. I was googling palpitations last night and came across that decongestants can cause all these symptoms. I have thrown my bottle in the bin. Shame because it was brilliant for my hay fever

Will not take this anymore. Beware!

I had recently had several major panic attacks that was so bad I rang a ambulance 3 times over 2 days .I have had panic attacks before bit there not severe and usually managed.This time I felt like I would rather die than continue with these panic attacks. Having done some thinking to see what's changed past week and I remembered these nasal sprays so I Google it and come across this page that pretty much everyone experinced similar. I would rather be death in my ear than ever try this again it was horrendous and I have no clue how a spray in the nostrils can be so debilitating

Look for a alternative. And if you already have anxiety. Avoid like the plauge

Headaches, tightness in my head at the front like tension, lightheaded, anxious, irritated, head felt woozy, off balance,nauseous now and again

Took this because of hayfever my eyes water terribly because of hayfever, beconase did wonders but recently the past 2 weeks started feeling unwell mainly with headaches and panicky and light headed, off balance, thought it was stress with work and home but found this page and im not taking beconase again i would rather put up with streaming eyes than feeling like i do, this needs more of a warning on it

Feeling dizzy, anxiety, heart palpatations. Low mood. After reading other peoples comments have decided to stop taking & see if these side affects go away.

Worked quite well to reduce ETD & did help tinnitus, but not able to cope with anxietys etc

Horrendous experience major panic attacks each time I took it. Felt like a tight band around rib cage nose and throat felt so heavy and right was having difficulty swallowing as soon as I stopped it the symptoms disappeared. Will never touch this again!!!!

Severe anxiety, thick mucus and lump in throat, phantom smells (which I suffer with anyway due to chronic sinusitis but tenfold on this)

Does work but really not worth feeling this anxious. Having full on panic attacks after a few days (this has happened before and I wouldn't figure out why, but now we know)

Bad mood, palpitations,headache, body acheing not sleeping.

Not sure if it is Beconase but stopping it anyway. Seems like it could be as the palpitations in particular started when I started taking Beconase

Drowsiness, extreme fatigue, poor concentration, head felt very heavy

I've always found Beconase to be effective against hay fever. I'd advise against using it long term, though.

Making voice very hoarse have been taking beconase for many years about 25 but never been like this I'm stopping it and going onto tablets in the hope that helps and stops this

Dizzy rapid heart beating felt funny in the throat rubs felt tight

Stay away just take antihistamine instead felt awful been on it for only 5/6 days been 6 days since last took it rapid heart beat has stop

My heart kept doing a funny beat every few minutes would go erratic for a seconds then back to normal. My Dr even rang an ambulance for me. Only since taking this. Now googling it to see if I'm going mad I find this!

I don't ever wanna feel this again. Sent my anxiety through the roof

Insomnia, anxiety, dry eyes, bad headache across forehead, restlessness, feeling down

Has shifted the pressure in my ears a bit

Severe headaches! Chest pains. Insomnia. Acne

I have been getting such severe headaches and was starting to worry. This is the only thing I've changed in my life lately, so googled it. Had no idea it contained steroids! That'll be the cause of my skin breaking out then I guess. But to see others have had such severe headaches gives me hope it's this. Hope because I can now control them by stopping taking this! One of my headaches lasted 30 hours and I couldn't get out of bed. I felt like I was going to die - no joke. The severity of it scares me to think about it now. Anyway.. It also causes pretty bad insomnia for me. And I'm very drowsy for hours in the morning which isn't like me.

Hayfever symptoms (headache mainly)

Acute AF for 36 hours. Once this cleared it was followed by palpitations and anxiety which only stopped when I stopped taking the Beconase. This made me realise that I had the same reaction in previous years when it was administered. I will seek alternative treatment in future, especially since reading the reviews here. Very pleased to have found the link with palpitations and beconase.

Firstly I googled side effects of this spray and I didn't expect to come across this.I had couple of dizzy spells before but since I started using this for hay-fever last couple of days I noticed I feel shaky, and I had quite a few dizzy spells today which became severe like I never had it before. My heart was also beating fast and I could feel heartbeats in my head. It causes me great anxiety. I also noticed someone wrote they had cigarette smell in their nostrils, which is mind blowing given the fact I was at work and wondering why I stink of cigarettes (and I don't even smoke). Now when I have read this I won't be using it ever again.

Do not use this, especially if you suffer from anxiety.

BECONASE (BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE): Beclomethasone is used to prevent and control symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the swelling of the airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. This medication must be used regularly to prevent breathing problems (attacks of wheezing/shortness of breath). It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve an asthma attack. If an attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

No side effects except leaving yucky glue that is hard to get off

Felt tired, a day or two after taking it. Had smaller dosage than others I see listed.

Headaches, fatigue, itchy skin, skin growths and rashes,sun sensitivity, minimal hair loss, dizziness and joint pain. Despite side effects,I think this drug has saved my life. Prior to taking, had numerous ops including 2 perforated bowel and peritonitis episodes which were nearly fatal. Permanent ileostomy with some complications but quality of life so much better than before. Been on it for 16 years and Will stay on it as long as my health allows.

Had a 103 degree fever at 11:00 AM yesterday, took first dose of Tamiflu at 2:00 PM and have not had a fever since 3:00 PM that day. I have taken 3 doses so far and no longer have body aches or a headache either. I feel much better than I did yesterday morning.

Dumb, feel very dumb, can't remember stuff, words don't come out, unsocial, pit in your stomach sick with guilt for no reason, or feels like something is horribly wrong & don't know why... very detached some days

Pain all over the body, I can't lift up my arms and legs, joints are painful, fever

For the first couple of weeks staring this pill, I experienced a little nausia, my breasts were swollen,a little acne, and a litle water weight retention, but u haved to give it time after i completed my first cycle of the pill these side affects went away, i experienced no mood swings at all, and i usually always get mood swings due to hormones, and it actual so far has improved my moods greatly, my periods are like clockwork every month short and light, i do have slight acne due to the pill, but i use face astringents that help greatly, and the pill is safe, and have had no spotting between periods, and i take it on time each day, im very happy with this pill!

2nd time I've tried to take. Stomach pains, and gas, and anxiety. Not worth it. Horrible medication.

Brintellix cured me of MDD. I have been on antidepressants for 7 years and this is the only medication that helped me. I was on Celexa, Zoloft, and Effexor before I took this and the previous medications all failed. I took Brintellix for 2 years and I'm now in my final days of weaning off the medication.

I take it every day for control of fibromyalgia - it reduces the pain nearly as well as any pain prescriptions I've tried (Lyrica and Tridural especially) and I'm able to still work as an office manager without the "high" side effects of prescribed painkillers. But, I have to take it in higher doses than the label suggests, so when I get a blackout migraine, I worry about how much I have to take - but it works. Migraines have never gotten to the blackout point since taking Excedrin, and are gone within 30 minutes of taking some after first seeing the light flashes.