Aristocort (triamcinolone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aristocort (triamcinolone)

Permanent severe, engulfing acne on face, permanent severe coarse, black facial hair (I'm a woman,) extremely red face now manifesting as milder rosacea.

These topicals should never be used for than a week, maximum. When I developed the terrible side effects, I went to six doctors, all of whom told me steroid creams had no side effects whatsoever. All they had to do was read the drug company's accompanying literature: Severe acne, hirsutism (facial hair) and rosacea, as well as a list of other side effects longer than your leg. I was kept on the cream for seven years. Every time I tried to stop, my skin inflamed even more (rebound rosacea typical of steroid topicals.) When I finally found out the truth--such symptoms are not only side effects, but permanent--it was too late.

Side Effects foraristocort (triamcinolone) - User Comments


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In the past month and a half on 50 mg/day and another year to go along with daily Imuran doses to begin shortly, I've slept better than I have in years, have no vascular pain, can breathe again and not sound like a chain-smoking Kristie Alley (asthma), can smell and taste again (nasal polyps), have my skin condition (eosinophils) clear up on my knees, elbows, hands and backside, and just have a better outlook on life again. I think it's important to research others' experiences, but keep in mind that what may be a negative experience or vice versa for one, will not always be the same for another. Regardless that I'm experiencing a Prednisone high, it nearly brings tears to my eyes to think how sick I was for so many years that I never realized this incredible quality of life existed. I'll deal with any long term effects of treatment as they present themselves. In the meantime, I'll give my stress levels a break and just enjoy feeling human again.

Probably the worst drug as far as side effects go but I think it did work.

Elevated bp at doctor's office

Gum infection led to toothache

osteoporosis, loss of bone mass

Okay, here's a bit of exposition.See, I was always a good student. A B was typically the lowest score I'd get. However, when Ninth grade rolled around, it rolled over me. My A's and B's degraded into D's and F's. I was confused about this, and that confusion turned into rage. To put it bluntly, I was an ass. My family berated me for my inability to focus, which caused me a rather large amount of distress. Eventually, I plunged into despair and just gave up.Until I received Concerta last January.This med changed my life for the better. I was rather hesitant to take this drug, as I worried that it would worsen my anxiety. I didn't even know I had ADD, so that was a knock.So, the next morning dawned and I popped one of those yellow little pills. Within minutes, I felt my focus becoming sharper and my generally dark mood starting to lift.Let me cut to the chase: This drug changed my life for the better. My GPA skyrocketed, and is now at 3.0 and rising. I no longer harbor violent feelings toward others and myself. People like me now, and I find myself liking them, too. My anxiety rears its ugly head a bit more often now, but considering the benefits that this med gave me, I'd say it is a fair price to pay.So, to parents and patients of every age, I implore you to consider Concerta as a treatment option. This medicine gave me my life back.

I generally take a 150mg dose and this clears the infection if I take it early enough. Sometimes I take a weekly 50 mg course for a month. This generally tides me over for 6 months which is a nice break. I have tried EVERYTHING. Acidophilus, diet, detox.... it still comes back.

I took prozac for 6 months when I was 18 and considered it a godsend. Now, at the age of 30, I find myself suffering slightly from postpartum and needed a little something to help me through. I turned to prozac for help. This time, I experienced symptoms like nausea and sweating. HOWEVER, these pale in comparison to one very frightening symptom- I lost consciousness for a few minutes when I was home alone with my son! At that moment, I decided to wean myself off the drug, but the next time I took it, I once again felt nauseous and likely to faint. For some this drug is wonderful, but be careful not to overdose! My pharmacist thinks I overdosed even at only 20mg/day.

fluctuating body weight, lack of emotion, lack of motivation, difficulty sleeping, difficulty waking back up, can't cry

Can't be sure but have gained a lot of weight (probably 30 lbs. in less than one year)and fat appears to be in unusual (for me) locations. Constant swelling in ankles, blurry vision.Chest pain and shortness of breath. Low energy.