Tazorac (tazarotene) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tazorac (tazarotene)

TAZORAC (TAZAROTENE): Tazarotene is used to treat psoriasis or acne. It is a retinoid product related to Vitamin A. It works by affecting the growth of skin cells. The foam form of this medication is only approved for use on acne. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Made me tired so I took it at night.

I swapped to Loestrin after experiencing nausea with another pill. I was happy with it while I was taking it, but changed over to the Ortho Evra patch for convenience. After going to the patch, I noticed that I wasn't having exreme mood swings anymore. (On the patch, however, I think I am experiencing weight gain and upset stomach.)

Nausea, vomiting, leg cramps, restless leg, gas, diahrea

Severe nausea on day 1 followed by chest and abdominal pains, abnormal tiredness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, wooziness on day two. I know it's not good to take them on an empty stomcah but eating and drinking does not help.

I wake up okay. Thru out the day groggy and mind is in a fog.

It's a toxic poison for the body.

GIVE IT TIME! I have never any health issues in my life & I started having panic attacks (out of the blue) so bad I thought I was going out of my freakin mind. I would get them mainly while driving it was getting to the point that I was afraid to drive. I am a very healthy male that doesn't take any kind of meds. I did a lot of research & didn't want to take any type of Benzo's, so I tried Buspar. Because of the side effects I had read about, I told my doc I wanted to start at a very low dosage & see how it goes. Yes, I did feel a bit foggy for a few days just after taking it, but, NO MORE PANIC ATTACKS! I also found that taking it with food negated any stomach issues. I now experience no side effects at all & am panic free. For you that have panic attacks, I know the misery. Please give this med a try starting at a very low dosage & GIVE IT SOME TIME! I would happily be foggy minded for a few minutes a day, for a few days, to not have panic attacks again.I see a lot of people give this med a bad rap. They seem to be from people that never take it past day one because of side effects. Personally, I think prescribed dosage amounts are possibly too high. I think many people give up after a day or two because of negative side effects. I take just 5MG twice a day & all is good. It is also on most $4.00 generic lists that use a normal dose as 30MG a day, so one $4.00 prescription will last me 3 months.

severe irritability, lack of concentration, sever changes to menstrual cycle

this is the first birth control pill i've ever used so i have nothing to compare it to. worked perfectly for what i was using it for, but the side effects just aren't worth it. when i first started using desogen, i developed acne whereas before i would only develop a small amount of acne right before my period. this cleared up during the second month and has been mostly gone and stable since. unfortunately, my first month, on the first inactive pill, i had a migraine that lasted over 24 hours. i was migraine free the next month, but by the third month, i had a 7 day migraine during the inactive pill week. the side effect that is prompting me to stop taking this pill at the end of this pack are the mood swings/depression. the mood swings developed during the second month. i wanted to stick things out, but the longer i took this pill, the worse the mood swings would get. i'd be at work and would want to cry for no reason; i'd be at home and would start crying for no reason. the

I tried this because I had pelvic pain. Really created new places of pain and after 3-4 weeks and the shots, nausea, shaking hands, couldn't do anything felt so bad, felt irritable toward people who talked too long. I am disappointed that it didn't help, wonder how long will take to wear off. I also was prescribed Estratest, so could be some of that, too. But when I took hormones at age 50, estrogen didn't bother, only progesterone. This did not give me headaches which I had with the progesterone I took alone when I was 50 and the doses were divided to mimic your period. I don't know why they now combine the two hormones. This med did not work to my satisfaction and I became worse and worse. Thanks for this website and the info, it was very helpful to me. I don't know what will help my pelvic pain and other problems but hysterectomy, which I don't want.