Claravis (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Claravis (isotretinoin)

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

Sorry to sound cynical but it's true, I know at least 3 friends who are also in a similar situation like me because of this poison and they had no idea it was the drug that caused this to them because THE REAL NIGHTMARE ALL STARTS AFTER YOU QUIT THE F**KING DRUG

Chapped lips, ingrown toenails severe joint pain - especially wrists hands, fingers, shins shoulder. Feet hurt terrible when on them for 8 hours

When I complained about severe pain, derm said to stop meds and it would go away within a few weeks. It's been a months and now is saying I may have autoimmune disease that's "not related" to this medication! I have always been very healthy and fit and now can't get out of bed some mornings with out help because so stiff and sore. I hope it goes away soon. I am seen my PCP to get on an arthritis medication.

Extremely dry skin, lips especially! Body aches, although not sure if it's a side effect or not. Lower back pain and sometimes headaches.

It cleared up my face in a few short days! My face looks a million times better! I have trued many things and have gone to dermatologists for years!!! I'm so glad I finally found something that really works!!! It's only for 6 months and I'm on my 4th already!!

Dry lips, joint pain, sensitivity to sun (skin got very dark).

After taking sulfur face wash, Doxycycline, differin gel, minocycline (I believe that’s how to spell it). None of it worked! I started taking Claravis 40mg 5 days ago and I see an almost complete difference already! I probably shouldn’t be writing this but, I had acne 11yrs ago and my doctor prescribed Claravis. My skin cleared completely! Once I stopped taking it, my skin started to look even better. A coworker of mine (not knowing I was taking acne meds) told me my face looked like a porcelain doll! My skin looked better than it ever looked in my entire life! Fast forward 11yrs later, I took plan b and face face broke out like I had the chickenpox! To make an even longer story short, I had 60 capsules of 40mg Claravis left over from my first breakout (11yrs ago) and I started taking it. After only five days, I see significant improvement! Just about every breakout is gone!This medication is a life saver! I was so depressed...I’m going to finish taking to 40mg once a day for 60 days, I know my face will look like a porcelain doll once again!!

dry lips to the point of being swollen and cracking when I opened my mouth, dryness, facial flushing/redness, thirst, constipation (mild), exczema like rash, tiredness, improvement in mood, permanent back pain

It is a miracle drug. Changed my life, for the better.After trying every OTC, prescription topical and antibiotic I decided to take Claravis as it is a last resort medication. My course took 6 months. I was on 30mg the first two months, 40mg the third month, and 60mg the fourth, fifth, and sixth month. Side effects: dry, cracked, swollen lips (began first week), dry skin/eczema like rash (began first month), thirst and fatigue (began first month), facial flushing/redness and mild constipation (began third month), joint pain and back pain (began third-fourth month and I still have four years later). They say not to take this med if you have any mental health problems like depression, anxiety, suicidality, mood disorders, etc. but I already had all those things so I had nothing to loose. This drug did more than just clear my skin. This drug changed something in my brain. Even my family agrees it changed me for the better. Accutane is never an easy choice to make, be safe. Be safe. Women - two forms of birth control. Men/women - no blood donation, no sharing Accutane. Have MONTLY blood tests while on this drug. This drug is very powerful and you need to make sure your body is processing it well. Try to stay with the same manufacturer (mine was Claravis). My dermatologist told me to stay on the same brand (even though the active ingredients are the same, I guess they are absorbed different). The only blood side effect I had was high triglycerides (fat) but the reason for that i

Dry skin, dry lips, rough/chapped lips, mood swings.

the usual chapped lipsdry eyes for the first few weeksafter stopping i began to have GERD

Update: I am now taking this medication for three months and am experiencing joint pain, lower back pain, and heel pain. I am also experiencing a major loss of appetite and have dropped from a healthy size 10 to a size 8. The dry skin, dry lips, eyes and mouth still persist. My acne got worse for awhile but is now starting to clear up dramatically. I'm thankful I'll be off this medication in two months. Please only consider this medication if you have severe acne that has not responded to other treatment by a dermatologist. This is a very serious drug and the decision to take it should be thought out. I will post another update at the end of my Claravis course to let everybody know how everything turned out.

GERD (Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease), permanent floaters within my vision, constant lower back pain (that later went away), dry skin and lips

I took this drug for 17 days when I started experiencing lower back pain. It was not severe, just constant. I informed my physician of this side effect and was told that that was not common for this drug,she said that I probably had a kidney infection.(I did not.) I got online and discovered that this was a common side effect of the drug and got so scared about it that I decided to stop taking it....It was too late. The day I stop, I developed heartburn that evening. The heartburn was constant and would just get worse after eating. I have had it everyday since then. Now, I have been diagnosed with Acid Reflux Disease. To make matters worse, one week after I was off the drug, I noticed that I had floaters within my vision. My eye doctor says that my eyes are fine but, I still have the floaters. The lower back pain went away within a week but, the more serious side effects have remained. Before this, I was in excellent condition for my age with no health problems....I just broke out a little bit. Now, I have a disease which medications do not work for half the time and I am worried that the floaters will get worse with time. Not only do I wish I had never taken this toxic drug but, I wish I would have never went to the physician who put me on it.

skin dryness, dryness of lips, dryness of eyes. more severe breakouts when first started the drug

CLARAVIS (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The hair loss was extreme. Clumps of hair were falling out from the very first day I took it. After a week on it I got a rash on my back so my doctor told me to stop taking it. I would have insisted I got off it despite the rash because of how much hair I was losing.

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Severe mood swings and agitation. Headaches and fogginess. Runny nose

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Woke up tired and groggy after the procedure, My throat was very dry. Drank some water, which only helped a little. When I got home very tired, and having a runny nose. Took a nap, felt a little better after I ate something, but still having a runny nose 15 hours after the procedure was done .

This is the worst blood pressure medicine out it makes you cough all through the night all through the dayPlease don't take it

I took Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO for about 2 years, and had little to no side effects. Mostly slight nausea, and mood swings. Also loss of sex drive, and crying spells. My idiot pharmacist got the perscription wrong, and gave me Ortho-Tri-Cyclen (the stronger dose). Since I started taking it, I experienced the terrible symptoms. I would not recommend switching from OTC LO to regular OTC. I love OTC LO. It is great. DO NOT TAKE DEPO PROVERA!!!!! unless you want to become INSANE, and scare your bf away! ha ha ha

As I have been reading about various prescriptions and how they affect different people, it becomes very obvious that most medicines are toxic to some and fine for others. Why, because they are strong chemicals and affect people differently just as other things do in our diet, like peanuts as a great example. Some people are very alergic to poision ivy and some are totally unaffected by it. I tolerate benicar well (so far) but when it comes to statins and other cholestorol meds, they really affect me badly and I seem to have all of the side affects that many of the people experience. Actually I was toking Statins first, in the middle of that experience I started taking benicar. I developed bad sided affects and from reading the reviews of people I decided to go off of the Chol. meds, and the side effects went away, most of them totally, some significantly. Then after about 6 months I moved from Zocor to Tricor due to re-elevated cholesterol. All the time I stayed on the Benicar. I did