Benzamycin pak (benzoyl peroxide; erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Benzamycin pak (benzoyl peroxide; erythromycin)

Besides proactiv solution, this is the only cream that has ever helped my severe acne. Plus it kinda firmed up my skin and didn't make it look so saggy. The only problem was I was getting lines under my eyes and it was cracking and aging my skin a little.

definitely is very harsh on skin. must counter drying with a heavy duty moisturizer. otherwise, no complaints.

I must've started using bezamycin about a year ago and it was what FINALLY cleared much of my skin up. I have mild acne (not nodular -- mostly small lumps, blackheads, pore clogs) and it really did work for me. I just recently went off it to try differin as it wasn't eliminating these small under the skin lumps around my mouth...big mistake! Differin made my skin look as it did years ago and so I went back to benzamycin. ALready I've seen a drastic improvemnt! Thank god for this stuff!

Side Effects forbenzamycin pak (benzoyl peroxide; erythromycin) - User Comments


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Dizziness, shaky, extremely drowsy (ended up falling asleep) nausea, unable to think straight, loopy

the constipation is ridiculous, pretty much never go to the bathroom anymore, if I skip wellbutrin for 2 days it all returns to normal, also makes me very nervous with a burning sensation in my chest

I have never had significant body pain until I got on plavix. It started maybe 2 months after starting plavix and hasn't resolved since stopping it 1 month ago. I have constant muscle pain. I used to be very strong but I now have trouble even turning lids due to pain and weakness. It hurts to lift my kids. It hurts to walk steps and go from standing/sitting.

Only side effects I have noticed so far are my eyes have been red and itchy a little bit, feel sleepy at times and my ears feel a little itchy and wierd. Other than that I feel great!

Makes you sleepy (depending on dose)

very tired,sore muscles, seemed all my joints felt sore, lost some hair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth, euphoria or excitedness, problems with memory recall, lack of focus.

given to my 4 year old,although her ear and cough was better she was very worn down the entire time, the taste was horrible --consistency was gritty- and after 2 days she developed severe stomach cramps with diarrhea and on the 8th day she had hives. i will not let any of my kids take this again...although the hives are more worrisome its just sad to see her so washed out!

Fast heart rate, anxiety, dry mouth

Am doing fine on 150 mg, though I was getting sad and losing energy and motivation by around 3pm-4pm time frame. Increased dosage to 300mg to see if it helped.