Benzaclin (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Benzaclin (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate)

I got a few dry patches on chin and nose area but nothing a little exfoliating and lotion couldn’t fix.

I just recently started using it and it’s done wonders to my skin so far. I will say it has dried it out quite a bit but nothing too serious. My face use to break out so bad! It was red, painful when I laughed, and even smiled. But now it’s not anymore and my pustules have gone down to small ones that rarely surface and don’t turn white anymore they go away a lot faster, in a matter of days. If you’re struggling with acne I would recommend this product.

Will dry and maybe burn skin when first using, so use lil amounts until your skin gets used to it.

Nothing really cures acne, but I have tried many products throughout the years, and this one seems to work the best for me. I only use it when needed on active pimples. Remember, nothing is going to work like magic, be patient and don't pick. good luck

Allergic reaction caused numerous boils and white pustules on my chin and nose. Other spots on face continued to be bloody scabs and not healing.

I finally had to cease all use of this product,stay on a mild antibiotic and mild soap. My face is much better now

Combo Therepy with Differen, so side effects can't be pin pointed exactly. Increase in acne, dryness, and sensitivity.

BENZACLIN (BENZOYL PEROXIDE; CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE): This combination medication is used to treat a certain type of acne (inflammatory acne vulgaris). It helps to decrease the number of acne pimples. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that stops the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide can also stop the growth of bacteria as well as reduce oil production in the skin, helping keep your pores open. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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