Azelex (azelaic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azelex (azelaic acid)

burning, initially face gets red but later fades

Used it for awhile. I do notice that I get worse when I don't use it. Right now I have my rosacea under control. I use it along with aveeno altra calming lotion (apply around 10 min after I apply azelex). I clean my face with aveeno ultra calming foaming cleanser mixed with some tea tree oil prior to each use. Seems to be working - knock on wood

using it w/ doxycycline, it does seem to fade scars but hoping it will do more for acne.

burning/tingling, itchy feeling

After using this for several months I noticed absolutely no difference at all in my skin. Still broke out, still red, still scarred.

red acne scars, uneven skin tone

none really. I expected the burning/sensitive feeling the packaging warned about, but didn't feel it; possibly because I'd been using Neutrogena's "Healthy Defense" lotion, which *does* sting a bit.

After about 6 months or so, it really doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. It's hard to tell. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which causes ongoing acne and facial hair that needs to be plucked. Azelex has made my skin more sensitive (more easily damaged from plucking or acne scars) but the cream also *seems* to minimize the damage. Again, it's hard to tell. I have a medium complexion - somewhat dark, my complexion is what most people look like after a tan - and use it only on my chin and upper lip area.

AZELEX (AZELAIC ACID): This medication is used to treat mild to moderate acne. It works by reducing the amount of acne-causing bacteria on the skin and by helping to keep your pores open and unblocked, thus decreasing the number of acne pimples. Azelaic acid belongs to a class of drugs known as dicarboxylic acids. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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