Avita (tretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Avita (tretinoin)

Acne worsened for the first few weeks of treatment; also, before finding a decent moisturizer, skin was dry and flaky.

Had horrible acne as a teenager and as an adult. Got so sick of it I finally went to my doctor and she prescribed Avita. My skin is clear now, with only the occasional blemish. Been on it a year now and haven't looked back since.

mild redness, but went away after using for a couple of weeks. peeling.

I love avita, it makes my skin smooth and less oily. It helps with my cystic acne and I think wrinkles too.

I love this stuff! After only 1 month my face better than it has ever been. It has really helped get rid of the blackheads and cloged pores.

AVITA (TRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat acne. It may decrease the number and severity of acne pimples and promote quick healing of pimples that do develop. Tretinoin belongs to a class of medications called retinoids. It works by affecting the growth of skin cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This has been a life saver for me. In fact, it always works so well for me that I go off of it after 6-9 months because I feel so normal. I tend to get anxiety and OCD if going through a big stressor in life or in the winter time due to seasonal affective disorder.

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Irregular heart beat. Either PAC's or PVC's. Terrible shaking. Vision problems. I quit taking it and the shakes and irregular heart problems went way. My vision has not returned to normal and it's been a few months

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Doc prescribed because I was having heavy flow & severe cramping. Told me it would lighten both. Unfortunately it has gotten somewhat worse. My period now lasts on & off for 3 out of 4 wks in a month. The cramps aren't as severe but are more frequent since my cycle never seems to end. I'd rather deal w/the once a month visit than the awful 21 days of misery. So I'll be stopping this BC after this pack is finished. Also have breast tenderness, major mood swings / emotional outbursts that I never had before. Not to mention lack of sex drive.

Legs cramping, legs and feet swelling, numb, bulging veins, pain and chest pain.

I loved the weight loss, but stopped taking this because of the horrible constipation. It DID help with my anxiety/depression however immensely and with my fibromyalgia. I may go back on it because the other choices don't seem so great.

I have written to many diff places regarding this drug as i intend to continue to do so. I feel the dr s who prescribe this drug should have his license removed ! without checking renal function in a kidney patient, prescribes med that will LOWER function. This dr was not a good dr! I can get better drugs off the street.

The first month of taking this pill the only problem was nausea during the first two days of starting the pack. This second month has been bad. Im really tired normally finding myself napping in the middle of the day, every little thing upsets me and makes me cry, my headaches have been extreamly bad along the nausea. This pill isnt for everyone just isnt working too good for me.