Monopril (fosinopril sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monopril (fosinopril sodium)

When I first started some coughing but that disappeared after 6 months and now no troubles at all

I was on 20 Monopril Plus and lately it has been increased to 40 Plus with no ill effects and an improvement in BP control and arrhythmias

Seems to be working. diastolic way down. Systolic ok.

Orthostatic hypotension and feeling of weakness on standing up.

I've been on 5mg a day, I take 2.5 am and 2.5 afternoon. BP usually 138/78, sometimes higher. I've had increased GI problems, really affecting my everyday life. Also increased dry eye, having to use eye drops more often. And eye infections. I have ocular rosacea. Plus, my recall isn't as good. It was really bad when first started med, somewhat better now. Used to have cough, but only once in while now. I'm not sure GI problems are a side effect because I had c diff four years ago...but the year I've been on monopril they have increased. I've tried other BP meds with worse side effects. Not sure what to do. Wish my BP was lower too.

No side effects that I have ever noticed. Been taking it for 16 years.

I have really loved this medication as I have not had any side effects, but it has done its job at lowering my BP. Would certainly recommend it over other forms of BP lowering meds... some of which have terrible side effects.

Postural Hypotension in recent months after being on it for over two years @ 10mg twice daily. Occasional (transient) dizziness while walking in mornings (exercise)

Postural hypotension (PH)not relieved by reducing dosage to 5mg twice daily. My doctor does not know what to do other than asking me to wear Jobst (compression) stockings.Anyone else bothered by PH? If so, were you able to get rid of it? Thanks.

Side effects have generally been mild, although during the first month or so, I noticed some sleep disturbances, increased itchiness, a mild decrease in libido, and loss of concentration. Over the past several months these side effects have diminished in intensity and are thus more tolerable. I am currently taking 20mg per day and have watched my BP go from 140 /90 to 110 /70 . Therefore, the benefit for me far out weighs the inconvenience of a few minor side effects.

Unfortunately, routine annual blood tests have revealed a general decline in my white blood cell count. Currently it is at 3.0k/cmm (4.3k/cmm to 10k/cmm is considered normal). This stems not just from my current conversion to Fosinopril, but rather a 15 year history of using ace inhibitors to control my hypertension (it has been documented that ace inhibitors can lead to a low WBC count). Previous ace inhibitors that I've used include Vasotec and Accupril. However, with my recent conversion to Fosinopril, I noticed a sudden drop from 3.6k/cmm to 3.0k/cmm. I will probably be forced to get off ace inhibitors altogether before my leukopenia (low WBC) gets out of control.

Well, I'm not sure if it is the Norvasc or the Monopril that makes me to not be able to handle the sun when it's Hot.

Other wise I think it is doing good, no problems that I know of.I take 40mg.

My BP was reduced to 'normal'. I still get occational palpatations, diareaha and have an extreamly low libido.

Dry cough every night. Unbearable!

Light headedness experienced when BP lowered. Reduced from 10mg to 5mg & symptoms vanished. Dr. not happy with BP & increased to 10mg- severe daily headaches. I'd rather have high BP. Now taking 7.5mg & no symptoms at all.

Early age to start BP medication. Pregnancy related hypertension has resulted in kidney damage & the continued use of medication.

Monopril (20 mg/d) made me feel light-headed and dizzy.With the Norvasc, I was also nauseous. It took a while to convince the doctor that these were really side-effects. He prescribed monopril-plus (monopril plus a diuretic), and it affected my emotions so severely that I was crying every day, and felt as if I were having a nervous breakdown. I changed mydoctor, and the new one said that it ought not to have been prescribed for me, as my uric acid is slightly (only slightly)elevated. The first one knew that.

The monopril did seem to reduce the BP, but I believe it to havebeen due to a period of extreme stress at work. The doctor did not believe that - he actually said

Dry cough and fatigue.Expensive my Co payment is $25.00 a month.

My pressure is normal now and sometimes low so I am taking one every other day. I feel very tired within one hour of taking it. Am going to ask my Dr to switch me to a less expensive medication. I do not like the fatigue but my pressure is controlled on it. I am very athletic and active. I feel the Dr did not try and find out why my pressure suddenly was very high. I think it was stress related. I am trying to relax more and do yoga and meditation and not work so much.

I had a dry cough which was a common listed side affect. I also got chest pains and palpitations but I am not certian that that is a side affect of the drug or my condition.

MONOPRIL (FOSINOPRIL SODIUM): Fosinopril is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It is also used to treat heart failure. Fosinopril is an ACE inhibitor and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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My first 30 days were great. No break through flashes, as I was flashing every 15 to 20 minutes all day every day and wetting my sheets at night. After the month ended I started cramping, spotting and having headaches. The spotting has not ended. I have been spotting for weeks now. I have gained weight in my mid section and it's annoying because my clothes are tight. I am not having the issue of redness or irritation on my stomach… yet, but I will continue to watch for it. My plan is to stay on for 6 months and check everything out, however if I start losing my hair, I'm done…finished! It is pretty sad that there are no safe alternatives.

I noticed others talked about nightmares. Mine were of the repetitive sort of being chased or driving in a speeding car. Even in the dream I was aware that my heart was pumping overtime. And I also wanted to mention that the first 3 weeks to a month I felt it wasn't working, but I gradually noticed that my life required a whole lot less effort. That is the biggest change I noticed. I always got good grades and was successful to a degree, but with Strattera all of that was easier to achieve. After weaning myself off and exercising less, I did gain about 12 pounds and my menstrual cycle was regular. If it were not for the potentially permanent damage I think this drug has done to my heart, I would actually still be taking it. The benefits to my daily life were so valuable.

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I was given Fioricet after a ER trip by ambulance. Thought I was having a stroke. Vision lose and 30 minutes later a horrible headache came on.Diagnosed with a migraines with aura. Been in the ER every 6 months almost since then due to migraines with auras and was always given fiorecet. This is a great medicine! It works with no side effects. I now have a general DR. that refuses these. Even when I told him that the 20 pills from the ER every 6 months or so is all I go through! 20 pills in that long amount of time and he still refuses, says he is not that kind of doctor!! ?? He has prescribed maxalt, visteril,imitrex-didn't work. He then referred me to a neuro. I went to see the neuro,brought my pills with me and he said .. "he's not that kind of doctor"!!?? I was in tears. He has prescribed me Gabapentin, baclafen. Topamax, zanaflex and amitriptaline. Lots of side effects. Recently,he listened to me, but I think only because 20 pills last me. He was reluctant, but prescribed them. 20 pills,no refills for 4 mths I'm grateful for even that because these do work. It's a shame pills taken on a daily basis, all in the name of "prevention" is better to them instead of a pill to cure once and as needed. People abuse drugs but we all do not need to be penalized for it. Just because"He is not that kind of doctor" ..doesn't mean "I am that kind of patient"!! Good luck to everyone. This med is a Godsend for me, even if in small quantiti

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