Mavik (trandolapril) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mavik (trandolapril)

No sex drive;Tired more often then usual;never sleep more then 6 hours;random tickle in throat;started getting continual bad headache (migraine) for a week about 3 months after starting, then experienced what was diagnosed as mini stroke (TIA) and have had headache daily since. CT's and MRI show no sign of clot or bleed;Previous BP 145/95 average now 120/80 average.

Trouble Breathing,getting worse ,new doctor sent me for breathing test now. now, dry cough tickle in throat, sinus draining while i am sleeping ..TIRED TIRED TIRED ,,

Doctor has put me now on new pills but side effects look worse what is a person suppose to do ?

Extreme migraines. Nausea ,fever,unable to drive or focus eyes more than 15 minutes, dizzy,fatigue,depression,facial numbness.Increased BP most likely due to so much pain.

Persistent cough worse at nightSinus drainageUpper respiratory mucousTicklish throat

Mild fatigue, headaches at exactly 3:00 pm each day (I take the drug @ 9:00 am), increased mucus in the throat, especially at night when lying down or trying to sleep. This is very bothersome as it causes tickling and makes it hard to fall asleep. This is probably the most bothersome side effect. It will wake me up and I feel like I have a golf size ball of mucus in my throat. It has also caused my stools to be much looser than normal.

The drug did control my HBP bringing it to the 120/80 range.

From the first day, I was so dizzy and nauseous that I had to lie in bed until it passed 4 hours later. It did not get better after one week, so I stopped. It did not lower by blood pressure in this time.

I have had the coughing but not enough to stop. I feel a little inconvenience is worth it. I also take Athenol for BP

No one has every heard of MAVIK when talking with others. This must be an old, old medication. I will continue to take as long as they suggest.

Started on 1mg, increased to 2mg three months later, have been on 2mg/day for over a year now.Began taking it the same month as I took my first cholesterol-lowering pills and hypothyroid medication: mildly increased libido and increased general activity level three months later were likely due to thyroid meds, not Mavik.Average daily BP lowered from 170/115 to 145/90. I self-medicated and increased doseage to 4mg for two weeks but it didn't bring the numbers down any further. Yesterday, doctor prescribed a water pill in hopes of increasing Mavik's effectiveness.

Constant running nose, sinus drainage, fatigue and dizziness.

It has lowered my blood pressure, am presently on 8mg per day

drowsiness, dizziness and some fatigue

I started on ,5 mg per day then after two months, increased to 1,0mg per day. Initial BP was 170/110. Mavik was relatively effective, but pressure remains high (150/95).

an annoying dry cough; ticklish throat

it did lower my blood pressure

Severe fever, flu-like symptoms, blackouts, extreme vertigo so I couldn't stand up.

Not for me. It must work for some people or I presume they wouldn't sell it.

Started Mavik at 1 mg for 2 weeks, developed a dry cough, heart pounding and drowsiness. However it did bring down my bp and stopped protein spill in urine. Am going to discontinue to try Atacand. Altace gave me the same problems.

Causes constant constipation which is somewhat alieviated by fiber suppliments. My Blood pressure has been reduced.

The cough drives me nuts. Absolutely no sex drive and I'm tired all the time

It seems to be keeping my blood pressure at 140/85, which still isn't good enough. I'm going to talk to my doctor about switching drugs. I've been on mavik 2 mg for 10 months since I had a cecerian section and lost a lot of blood.

HBP & kidney protection (diabetes)

1 and 1/2 months after starting Mavik (2 mg./day), I developed a dry (nonproductive) cough that is particularly irksome at night. This is coupled with an always runny that doesn’t respond to any allergy medication. Now at 5 months on Mavik and these symptoms are worse.

Mavik is completely effective at controlling my HPB at 2 mg./day. None of the terrible side effects I experienced on the Beta-blocker Metoprolol (fatigue, lethargy, depression, weight gain). I have sleep apnea however, and it's tough enough already to get a good night's sleep without coughing all night. If you don't have the runny nose and cough, or it's tolerable, Mavik works well. I'm on to an ARB next to see if that works for me - Benicar (olmesartan).

Persistent cough worse at night, upper respiratory mucous and tickling, increased loss of libido, increased fatigue. Not sure how much is attributable to Mavik, but doctor switched me to Avapro after seven months because of complaints about upper chest and persistent coughing and fatigue.

Mavik appeared to control my BP by end of day, but morning BP readings were still higher. Probably because I was started on minimum dosage, but after seven months did not want to increase on this drug because of cough that would not go away, plus occasional acute fatigue & drowsiness.

didn't seem to lower blood pressure as well as other meds. Doctor suspected it lowered my sperm count

At 2mg no side effects, but when I needed to increase the dose to 4mg, my libido dropped to zero. My doctor didn't tell me this could happen. I don't think doctors think this is important to women.

I also take Maxzide to control my blood pressure. The combination of an ACE inhibitor and diuretic work, but I don't consider Mavik a good choice for me.

MAVIK (TRANDOLAPRIL): Trandolapril is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used to treat heart failure and to improve survival after a heart attack. Trandolapril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Same as when I took other cholesterol meds. Severe back ache, debilitating to point couldn't bend over to step into my underwear. This happened within days of starting this. Told Dr. I could not take statins, but between him and my Husband they think I NEED this crap. My HDL is high and triglycerides low, have a 2.8 ratio - have high LDL, but maybe I need it. Don't care anymore, will avoid Drs.unless sick. Am very active, feel great, not overweight, 69 years old, and taking this med. gives me pain, makes me tired (but can't sleep) and overall pissed off. If I have the big one due to my cholesteral - too damn bad. Life was better before there was a test and medication for everything that may cause you to be sick, when the side effects make you sicker. Geeeeze!!

This is my miracle drug!!! This drug has saved my life. I have had tremors in my hands and sometimes limbs that started in my teen years. I am an artist and it make drawing and painting very difficult. I was also a server and a bartender, who spilled drinks all over people because I shook so badly. It was humiliating! It really affected all areas of my life and it took years until I found a doctor to diagnose me. I had been coping with alcohol and xanax to get the shakes down. I have also had pretty bad social anxiety and this helped some in that a big part of my social anxiety was because I was afraid people were going to be able to tell I was nervous. This drug alleviates all nervous symptoms... shaking hands, shaking voice, sweating, heart rate. It is truly amazing. I still have some social anxiety but can cope much more easily.

After the first week, I began feeling "disassociated" from reality - in truth, it was like I was observing things going on around me but I was not an active participant. I thought it was from the sudafed I was also told to take, but I stopped the sudafed and it didn't get any better. My lips have been tingling for three days, and I have an intermittent headache. I also feel swollen around my face and neck - I can't wait for these sensations to disappear! It has been difficult to function, especially in a job that requires almost constant interactions with other people.

I took a 3 day regimen, two 250mg tablets by mouth once a day for 3 days. My throat felt better on day 3, all pain gone on day 4 but today is day 5, two days OFF and I have broken out into a horrible rash all over my neck, chin and chest and upper back/neck. So, I was pleased with the relief from the strep but now I got another problem. I have taken Benedryl, I hope that helps!!

So far this is my first day taking Provera. As for side effects so far just dry mouth and felt my heart pacing but didn't last long.

Stays in system for 12 hrs so drowsiness the next day if taken too late.

I started taking effexor xr 4 years ago for GAD..I was taking 225mg it was a great drug for me not many side effects..for the last 1 1/2 years my symptoms has started showing up again and was disgnosed with depression and am currently being switched to Paxil but am kind of scared form what ive read abput it. I was weaned off effexor from 225mg to zero in 3 days and honestly for me it was WAY EASIER than I ever wouldve imagined. Everyone has different experiences but for me it wasnt that crazy..i slept for 24hours and felt cloudya nd had a headache but nothing more than that. I strongly recommend it for GAD based on my own experiences.

I've been taking this medicine for 30 days now to help me stop smoking. I was taking 300mg a day, but was not sleeping well at all so I am now only taking 150mg in the morning. It has been 1 week since my last cigarette so it is working. However, not sleeping well is starting to take it's tole on me. I have started getting angry, crying at nothing, feeling as though something is in the back of my head and started having violent thoughts (wanting to throw dishes and hit things) I'm not sure if this is from lack of sleep or from the medicine. These things started happening this morning.