Lotensin (benazepril hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lotensin (benazepril hydrochloride)

LOTENSIN (BENAZEPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Benazepril is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Benazepril is an ACE inhibitor and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

Prozac worked for my depression for a brief period of time. After a few months taking it I would stop taking it. I would only take this medicine if you are combining it with therapy.

I am actually on the chewable version of Ovcon-35 which is called Femcon Fe. My doctor said it is the same, they just changed names since it is chewable. I have been on it for a month and a half and from day 1 I have not experienced any side effects. I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding and I got my period exactly when I was suppose to. I haven't gained any weigh either! I love this birth control!!!

Works very well compared to similar products for me. Others made me feel foggy, this does not. I'm taking the generic. Someone a few reviews down mentioned antacids allegra. Your not supposed to take Tums or the like w/in 2 hours of the allegra because it may be too much aluminum to handle...

all top 10 side effects come and go... now my feet are all but constant cold/needle like pinching and my rt arm upper aches lower elbow down numb tingle ect off and on all day and night.. now since taking this i have hypertention??? and my liver needs to be checked... enzyme issues now... never had anything like this with warfin and my doc says if you can tollerate it keep taking it... now after complaining again.. - I cant take you off this..... talk to the vascular doc.... smh

I am 40, 6'-01", 218 lbs. I play ice hockey, walk the dog an hour every day, have a somewhat physically demanding job, do plenty of active work around the house, and have two busy young kids. I eat 3 healthy meals most of the time, I brown bag it to work, and only rarely would you ever catch me at the "drive-thru". I drink moderately and I don't smoke. Somehow though, at my age I have high bad cholesterol, and borderline high blood pressure. The thought of heart attack, stroke, heart disease etc... scares the hell out me, so I will take the minor side effects from either of my two medications. I am lucky to not have the serious negative effects as some of you here, but I'm also lucky that I went to my doctor and got on these meds, so I don't suddenly disappear from the population at a relatively early age.

Not sure what is up with my periods. I still have my regular period, plus at least one day during the iron pills, and my third month brought an extra period out of nowhere--all are light, but I don't like the unpredictability of bleeding whenever (used to have very regulary periods)!

Pain and intensity of the side effects feel equivalent to when i had dry sockets after wisdom teeth...not good at all!!!

Nausea, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, weepy, depressed, headaches, and just plain yuckie!

Sitagliptin (marketed as Januvia and Janumet) - acute pancreatitisAudience: Diabetes healthcare professionals, patients[Posted 09/25/2009] FDA notified healthcare professionals and patients of revisions to the prescribing information for Januvia (sitagliptin) and Janumet (sitagliptin/metformin) to include information on reported cases of acute pancreatitis in patients using these products. Eighty-eight post-marketing cases of acute pancreatitis, including two cases of hemorrhagic or necrotizing pancreatitis in patients using sitagliptin, were reported to the Agency between October 2006 and February 2009. It is recommended that healthcare professionals monitor patients carefully for the development of pancreatitis after initiation or dose increases of sitagliptin or sitagliptin/metformin. Sitagliptin has not been studied in patients with a history of pancreatitis. Therefore, it is not known whether these patients are at an increased risk for developing pancreatitis and the medication should be used with caution and with appropriate monitoring in patients with a history of pancreatitis. Considerations for healthcare professionals, information for patients, and a Data Summary are provided.[09/25/2009 - Information for Healthcare Professionals1 - FDA]

The worse thing I did was take this.It has been 5 weeks since finishing the course and I'm full of anxiety and tinnitus and my heart palpitations hurt.Really spaced out and scared of everything I hope this wares off. Really re consider these side effects.I don't know if I'll ever recover.