Lotensin hct (benazepril hydrochloride; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lotensin hct (benazepril hydrochloride; hydrochlorothiazide)

No real side effects, was taking Diovan and it was horrible, changed to Benazepril and have had no side effects.

Hair loss, constipation, urinary tract infection, hoarseness, cough

No complaints. Love this drug because so far there are no side effects. It controls my BP really well.

On too high of a dose it caused very bad cramps in the feet and hands.

Works well when cutting dosage in half. No side effects.

Dizziness upon standing; heart palpations; dry eyes

Definitely lowered blood pressure from 160s/100s to 128/80 avg.

head aches sinus blockage ringing in ear elevated blood sugars poor erections

LOTENSIN HCT (BENAZEPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This medication is a combination of two drugs, an ACE inhibitor (benazepril) and a "water pill"/diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide). It is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Benazepril works by relaxing blood vessels, causing them to widen. The hydrochlorothiazide diuretic increases the amount of urine you make, therefore decreasing excess water and salt in your body. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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my wife started taking singulair to control her asthma and allergies. at first she told me about her vivid nightmares. and i thought that was it. then i noticed her mood changes. last night she tried to kill her self and was telling me how depress she has been and how the world would be so much better with out her. why would this drug be put on the market. i'm sure after so many complaints another alternative has got to be created. or is it prescribed by doctors because the company that produces it gives them a piece of the profits?

This drug should be removed from the market, or at the very LEAST, PAs and doctors needs to educate patients about potential side effects. The PA who gave this to me knew I had MS and lots of allergic reactions to drugs, yet never said a word, and when I called and said I was getting a horrible red rash, told me to take Benadryl and keep taking it. I stopped taking the drug immediately--and found another family physician office. I know an allergic reaction when I see one.

daily migraines and trig. neuralgia

the first night i had a bit of nausea and kept waking up in the middle of the night, and then second night i also had nausea and i ended up passing out in the hallway. it felt like there wasn't enough blood in my head, and then i collapsed and hit my head, and a few minutes later i threw up.

When I tried to quit this drug and tapered it, felt like I was already dead but in some kind of weird afterlife. When I watched TV, it felt like the T.V. was live and was communicating to me. I reached the limits of the human mind and was thrown into a psych ward (literally) but was thankful because a few more days how I was, I was definitely going to end up dead. As far as the drug itself, controlled my "symptoms" which existed from withdrawal from other anti-psychotics.

The night after taking 4 tablets I couldn't sleep, had terrible chest pain, stomach pain, uncontrollable shaking, sweating, thought i was going to die. This carried on for the next 3 days so by day 4 i stopped taking it.

Something like a yeast infection but not quite, all the itching and sores and some discharage. This drug made me really thirsty, sore muscles, my teeth hurt really bad, nauseated, relentless thirst, diarhea and fatigue. For all the horrible things it did to my body, it never helped my allergies at all. When I first started taking these I didn't realize it was the drug causeing all of these problems. I quit taking them for about a week, everything cleared up, it didn't dawn on me unitl I started taking it again and all this misery returened that it was the drug.

It helped, yes--but the side effects were not only horrifying, but I had a risk of dying. I will never, and people with asthma should never, ever take this medicine.