Lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; lisinopril) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; lisinopril)

Started off on 10 mg and notice a decrease in my BP within a week. My BP ran consistently at 160-165/85. At 30 day checkup doc wasn't happy with the 145-133 readings so he increase to 20 mg. BP is going down but I'm encountering dizziness, headaches, itchy skin and cough.

Brought BP down but do not like the dizziness.

Chest pain and tightness, comes and goes sometimes intense. Discontinued for this reason. Going back to doctor for a different script.

Dizziness for a couple of weeks when I started and any time my dosage is adjusted. Causes potassium loss so I have to take a potassium supplement. But generally no noticeable side effects. Got my BP where it should be in no time at all.

All listed common side effects

People who know me said “what happened to you?”when they saw me after starting on this drug. I am experiencing too much joint pain to continue it.

Extreme fatigue, sharp twinges in chest, intermittently. Throat felt like it was closing.Bp dropped to 90/70..(Day of ER visit Bp 175/80) on Amlodipine for one year.....headaches, frequency especially upon awaking in am..around 3 or 4 am.

Not for me.....really scary med.

Extreme fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness

I could not function when taking this drug. I spent entire days sleeping and still it wasn’t enough rest. Muscles were so weak I could barely lift my arm. I didn’t have this side effect with plain Lisinopril, it’s due to the added HCTZ. I added a potassium supplement but it made no difference.

Very tired pain in my legs cramps,insomnia, dry mouth little or no energy too much to endure

This is the only one that has lowered my blood pressure with no side effects

Blurred vision, tired, foot cramps, depression...and around week 4 i woke up with cough, itching, throat swelling and i almost died

This medicine is horrible....check your bp daily.

Dizziness lightheaded fatigue sick feeling went to Er blood pressure dropped from 220/160. To a low of 85/65. Dr cut dosage from 20 mg to 10 mg.

I would tell you that you don't need it everyday. Monitor your bp everyday. Some days I take it and feel like death

Dizziness almost fainted at work. Went to ER and my blood pressure went from 220/180 to a low 85/75. Dosage was cut in half.monitor every day if you take this med. Some days may not need it!Buy a machine asap

I developed a severe dry cough, dizziness, and headache within 2 weeks, even at such a low dose, and had to stop taking this medication. Very disappointing, as it controlled my BP rather well.

1. Muscle cramps (charlie horse)-calves,thighs,foot,jaw2. Frequent headaches3. Starting to experience muscle fatigue4. Tiredness, lots of yawning

Increased my water intake, added a fish oil supplement. Also taking Atorvastatin and doc just prescribed potassium chloride to the mix. Will reevaluate in a month or so.

Chest pressure,debilitating malaise, muscle weakness.

Unbearable side effects. Lowered my BP but not worth the pain. Had to have an emergency cardiac eval due to constant pressure in chest. Am now on Losartan 25 mgs with wonderful results.

Angioedema, giant hives, angioneurosis, life threatening adverse side effects chronic respiratory failure X3

Take this off market, spent 14 days in a coma, 20 days total in the Hospital, (over 350,000 dollars in medical care. I have a Tracheostomy scar from this Lisinopril. This stuff killed me three darn times, I stopped taking in May 2014 BP kept going down after surgery on back. Doc put me back on it May 29 2015 immediate anaphlaytic reaction. OMG this med caused me have atrophied muscles due to inactivity of limbs, I suffer from PTSD and short term memory loss. I refuse to take any new pills because I am scared to DIE.

For the first 3 weeks my body had to adjust: BP went really high (155/90) then low (97/55), off & on feeling very tired & crappy, with a headache each evening. Occasional light headedness. As time went on all the crappy feelings dissipated & by week 4 felt fine & BP was okay at 107/72.

No dry mouth,no diarrhea, NO "kennel cough", which I attribute to my taking only 1/2 of the 10mg tablet. That small dose is probably why I don't have that issue. Previously took Maxide for about 5 years but BP started out of control & was given Linsinopril.

Cramping in foot and palms. Jaw has become swollen with severe pain when eating. Cant recommend yet as I have only been on this for 3 days.

I am very pleased w the results and no side effects. As an added bonus my migraines have gone from at least five a week to two in six months. I had no idea it would affect my migraines. This medication has been a godsend to me!

Side Effects forlisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; lisinopril) - User Comments


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Terrible heart palpitations, rapid heart rate, anxiety, sense of impending doom, tingling limbs, numbness

Stomach pains, bloating, excess gas. Couldn't eat for the past 3 days. Had no idea the pills could caused this until I read other people's comments because I'd taken a course for 10 months last year with no problems. Only taking 250 mg twice a day, so I'm baffled as to what the problem is this time.

This is the worst drug I have ever taken in my life. By the second day, horrible cramping and diarrhea and abdominal pain. It didn't matter if the drug was taken with or without food- both of which were prescribed by two different doctors by the way- go figure. Side effects from this drug have lasted long after I stopped taking the drug.

Woke with intense inflammation and pain in wrists and all joints in hand. Fever, sweating at night, chills. Hands swollen up like sausages. Now, 2 weeks later I am still getting fevers every night and wake with numbness and tingling in both arms, wrists, hands. Different joints ache. Muscle weakness. Insomnia. I am furious.

diarhea, dry mouth and sinus, no taste or smell for days I was on prescription starting with day 2 of 10.

I think its worth it for my future health,but its early days.I have found drinking ice cold water when having a hot flash helps.

I really need this drug to find a replacement to Remeron for reasons specified above and my medical history. None of my problems are intentional. I don't understand what has happened to me. What I can say is Zyprexa means the very best and the very worse to me- I"ve taken it briefly 3 times- and lasted a month max all 3 times. I by far love this drug the most, but after getting heart palpitations (was already having stomach distress after eating I noticed), I gave up out of fear. ONCE AGAIN MEDICAL INDUSTRY: Thanks for breaking my heart. But don't you know fellow patients: "We Never Try". To the medical industry: F YOU.-Andrea

This is the best antidepressant I have ever been on. It wasn't perfect, but it brought me back from a suicidal brink that no other medications could do (or not without intolerable side effects). After decades of living a muted, desperate and unsatisfactory life, I was back reconnecting with friends, and doing activities that I had given up years ago because of lack of interest (surfing, hiking, traveling, photography, exercise).I quit taking Emsam after 3 years because of insomnia and a gradual lessening of efficacy. However, as I noted under the side effects, I was also abusing caffeine and chocolate as well as alcohol (2-5 beers/day). These may have played a part in both the insomnia and the sense that the efficacy was decreasing. I have read some anecdotal evidence that MAOI's can increase addictive behavior. I am not sure if this is what happened to me or not, but the key is not to get started with any of these substances in the first place. Once you are started with them, it is very difficult to stop. The good thing, at least for me, is that I am now off them.After a year of being off Emsam, I am ready to try again - sans caffeine, chocolate and alchol.

Chills and fever developed with severe headache, muscle aches, joint pain that are persisting, but slowly improving. Emergency room doc thought I had the flu, but flu swab was neg. Will never take this medication again. I go to Zumba 3 x a week, but have been unable since this all began.

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