Enalapril maleate (enalapril maleate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Enalapril maleate (enalapril maleate)

Every time I take this pill I get a severe pain on my left hip can barely walk I cut the pill in half still have pain a neurotoxin ingredient in it when I take Lasix the pain goes away. I read the side effects can be joint damage take at your own risk🤐

It lowered my pressure but the pain was not worth it

It turns out I'd had a mini-stroke and my doc prescribed me this. Enalapril has a warning not to take if you have a history of blood clots, stroke INCLUDING MINI STROKE. Unfortunately my doc told me to quit reading the internet and trust him. Big mistake -- it caused multiple additional mini-strokes and I now am gettin gvascular dementia and have less than 2 years to live. This drug also caused severe arthritis and neuropathy in my legs -- can not walk anymore and have severe pain all day. Also messed up my vision BAD. I'm now nearly suicidal -- what the hell - going to die within a couple years anyway. BEWARE IF YOU HAVE HAD A MINISTROKE or BLOOD CLOTS - plenty of other meds available. Currently taking Accupril with no problem, but too late. My life is ruined, my kids will be fatherless and my wife a widow. I'm so ANGRY -- never let a doc prescribe you anything without checkin git out thoroughally first.

BEWARE - the only Ace Inhibitor I've seen that shouldn't be taken if you've had a stroke. Side effects include MORE STROKES!!! I should sue, but am losing my mind - can't think clearly anymore. Lost my job and my driver's license and my family hates me now - memory is FRIED. Don't do it!

Burping, inappropriately -- waked in the a.m. with burping all day long. Awful experience!

Prescribed by Dr. After about 5-6 weeks, I developed a strange blister on my lower lip like nothing I had had before. Quit taking it after doing some research online and finding out that pemphigus vulgaris is a rare side effect. This is a condition where your skin becomes loose from your flesh and is "ususally fatal if not treated". Note the other post under brand name Vasotec where the person got lip blisters and swollen face.

My doctor said I didn't have the condition and belittled my concern. "Pemphigus is something totally different, where your skin sluffs off," she said. I said, "How does it begin? It surely doesn't start out as a full-blown case!" The answer is it starts with a blister or lesion, commonly on the face. Look it up. I told her I would never ever take this drug again, and got no more argument, and she did not try to recommend an alternative. I will live with slightly elevated blood pressure and work on it with exercise and good diet. Wish me luck. You can Google Pemphigus and Enalapril to find what I found.

This worked wonders for me in conjunction with Clonidine, has lowered my BP from average 160/120 to 120/90.

Really cut my energy levels down. Can't stay on this.

Dryness of mouth and eyes; erectile disorder

Good blood pressure control, along with a diuretic, HCTZ

good blood pressure control with minimal side effects

ENALAPRIL MALEATE (ENALAPRIL MALEATE): Enalapril is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It is also used to treat heart failure and to help prevent people with a certain heart problem (left ventricular dysfunction) from developing heart failure. Enalapril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Absolutely the most awful thing I have ever encountered. My doctor tried to tell me that Amitriptyline had far less side effects than my pain medication. I started taking this medication a week ago. After every dose I become very angry, I cannot recall a time I was angry as I have been while taking this medication, This medication makes it almost impossible for me sleep. I feel like a zombie.

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I took it about a week and noticed dizziness, but no big deal. Then, for 3 days straight, I fainted every time I stood up or sat up.

I had tremendous weight loss. I look horrible. It never worked. I had racing heart and a swollen lip in which they did list as a side effect. I should of never taken this poison.

Received on nov 19 2020 at noon from Walgreens on Lexington and 84th. Didn't sleep well that evening and woke up with aches and pains. I could hardly walk. My arm at the injection site was swollen, itchy and I had a rash. Friday I was very fatigued. It is three days later and I still have the red rash, itchiness and fatigue. I had none of these symptoms with the first dose which was given by my doctor.

allergies/frequent sinus headaches

Slow down in motor function, esp. at 1 mg. and used in conjunction with Cymbalta. Sleepiness.

I would not suggest this drug - I have been hospitalized 22 days this year, and until I read others comments, I would have not beleived anyone, but this is what I am experiencing, and the doctors put me on anti-depression pills to stop the spasms, of which I had a severe reaction to it. I am not using others advice - 1000mg Orange Peel extract & enzyme tablets... heartburn is going away, not curing my gastritis though... any suggestions for organic/homeopathic idea's ?

after over 10 years on it, my teeth have completely rotted due to extreme acid reflux, even with prescription meds. it took this long for someone to tell me it might be the depakote. has anyone else experienced this?