Captopril (captopril) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Captopril (captopril)

Severe gas and bloating.I am not able to eat wheat at all when on these meds. As soon as I go off these meds I am fine. I have been tested for gluten issues and I do not have this issue. It is totally brought on by the meds.This is now the 5th blood pressure med I have been on .All six has had the same side effect:

these are the meds I have been on so far all have caused severe gas. Very painful and I am unable to be around people. Very embarrassing!LOSARTANNIFEDIPINEBENAZEPRILCAPTOPRILOLMESARTAN (this one was the worst)Caprtopril has lowered my blood pressure

Im hypersensitive to all meds and let me tell u, this one is great.......First days, slight dizziness, minor upset stomach, fast heart rate, headache, all minor compared to all the other meds......taste like rotten boiled eggs..

I take 12.5 mg every 4 to 6 hrs to control secondary hypertension, I take it with clonidine, 2 to 3 mg a day, and 3mg of ativan. First numbers use to always be in the 170 to 220 range, this knocked it right out, bottom number from 130 down to 110 to 60's, only drug that has worked and with little to no side effects, no weight gain, actually starting to loose weight

Had a severe allergic reaction, itching rash that moved from my chest to my entire front side of my body. This went on for two weeks and the Dr's. said it will go away. Do you think they could stand two weeks of this? The itching was like being bitten my misquotes from my neck to my feet. A back ache that felt like I had been beaten by a mugger, that started at my mid back and radiated to the left and cramped my muscle up so bad that it hurt to just breath. Sweating, wheezing, coughing, wee.

This drug was to promote longer life to kidneys for diabetics.The side effects are not worth the longevity of kidneys that you don't know if they will even fail. Nothing is worth this misery. Don’t take this drug it is pure poison.

UPSET stomache even tho I took it as directed

CAPTOPRIL (CAPTOPRIL): Captopril is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It is also used to treat heart failure, protect the kidneys from harm due to diabetes, and to improve survival after a heart attack. Captopril is an ACE inhibitor and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

PLEASE HEAR ME THIS IS A DANGEROUS DRUG !!!! When I first started on this drug I had GI upset buy my doc encouraged me to continue (2008) as the benefits would be great. Within 3 wks I felt so much pain relief I felt like a "new person" so I treated the GI problems symptomatically with GI MEDS. Then the personality change began, since I live alone I did not realize it until road rage began. I tried to tell my doc this but she just blew it off ( I later discovered that SHE was being paid by the drug company for a drug "survey") Then things began to happen such as: I would be driving and have no idea where I was going, woke up several times in my car in my pajamas, packages would arrive at my home from the TV shopping channels addressed to me, I had NO MEMORY of ordering them, I overdrew my checking account several times ( HAD NEVER DONE THAT). Then the pain slowly, along with "brain fog" and "brain zaps". The doc did not want to hear about the brain issues she just wanted to up the dosage to address pain issue( again the "survey"). So I asked a trusted pharmacist (an older man) he said off the record "OH YES very common, don't you know this is a legal form of Ecstacy?" "Your brain is craving a higher dose, this is a BAD DRUG". That was enough for me ! He told me how to wean off of it.... yes counting those little beads, even doing that it was hideous ! I bet it will be taken off the market soon, if no

I have had break through bleeding, headaches, morning sickness, and my stomach hurts every morning no matter what.

Slight back ache fatigue and noticeable weight gain

Everything was fine, pain from stone was alleviated at first. Until about five hours after the injection. I began to feel really weak. My stomach started aching. The injection site became extremely sore. And around four a.m. I threw up in my hallway, because I could not make it to the toilet or trashcan. Extreme fatigue and weakness. No appetite, even though I know I should eat. I feel like I am in a fog, and have the beginning of the flu. The injection site hurts worse than the kidney stone. In fact, that entire half of my body, opposite of the kidney that was hurting, is in a lot of pain. I have been taking the pain medicine as prescribed by my doctor, in half the dosage bc I am afraid of getting nauseated again, and I am taking Zofran to combat that. I need to eat, but the thought is really off-putting. I just have no strength, no energy.

First I experienced chapped and peeling lips. After three months I experienced yeast die-off. As uncomfortable as the experience was, the Diflucan cured me of valley fever. After discontinuing Diflucan I experienced hair loss which is now growing back in.

***I am the same person who complained of muscle soreness in my legs while taking Bupropion. I wanted to add that that symptom has gone away, and my psychiatrist tells me that Bupropion is linked to muscle soreness/tightness in small muscle groups, such as the jaw/neck, but not in the larger muscle groups in the legs. So the muscle soreness may not be caused by Bupropion, and I have consequently changed my rating of this medication from a 3 to a 4.

Extreme constipation, chest pains. Took various things to relieve the constipation and it took many days to get it right.

Mood swings, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, severe upset stomache.

I don't feel it is working well. I am very tired and fatigued most the time. My arms and legs and sometimes head/neck muscles feel weak. It is strange. I took Nuvigil before whenever I could get free samples or free month supply from pharmaceutical company. My current insurance covers it at $60 mo. I was taking generic Nuvigil from India for several years due to the huge cost savings. It worked great. Maybe I will go back to that.

extreme hunger/appetite, night sweats, hypertensive