Altace (ramipril) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Altace (ramipril)

Mild to moderate presentation of tickly throat, unproductive throat clearing, and dry unproductive cough.

Mentioned cough side effect to GP, who dismissed it.Patient is now deliberately non compliant in medication regime, with no alternative being offered (I think UK GP's prefer Ramipril because it's really cheap!!)Cough is an inappropriate side effect to be giving people during the Covid period, and post main pandemic period, as the slightest cough, my workplace policy was to Lateral Flow Test, putting me through unnecessary invasive nasal swaps. (I'm now phobic of Covid LFT tests)I also had a terrible time during the lockdowns "imprisonment", so I associate this drug has the potential to "lose me my liberty" if the side effects are mistaken for Covid..... And, it's a major social stigma, that people may think your drug side effect is Covid..Its a side effect I could live with pre Covid, but now I hate this drug.

Feel constantly tired get vertigo and weird fuzzy head feeling anxiety is bad since taking this drug also get the lump in throat feeling and some days legs feel heavy and weak.

Extreme Fatigue, body aches, joint pain, anxiety, depression, sick very often with colds, flu, etc...foggy brain. Just an all over feeling of malaise.

I took it because I had a TIA 10yrs ago. Hasn't done anything for my BP in all this time. Feels like I'm slowly losing my quality of life as I was very active before. Struggle greatly to run my business.

Headache dizzy depression just feel rotten

Severe anxiety Insomnia joint and muscle achesPalpitations and heart flutters stomach pain and wind headaches Sinus Earache tinitis jitteryHeaviness in chest.Hot facial flushes.Hot flushing in both arms Tingling Dry throat and lump in throat Stomach ache Chest burning Neck pain. Cough.Heaviness in chest.Sinus headache.dizziness eye pain

Not good but Drs just prescribe and leave us to it.I am tolerant but feel so anxious and down now.Blood pressure also erratic. Worked well for about 21 days.

Cough when I first started it but it soon disappeared

Ramipril has helped my blood pressure get under control. I take it at night and I can tell straight away if I forget to take it. I get hissing sounds in my head.

Heart palpatationsHeadachesFoggy head cant concentrateBlurry vision.

Does not agree with me but doesn't mean it wont for anyone else

Severe anxiety, SOB, tachycardia, palpitations, joint and muscle aches, Severe brain fog- cloudiness in head, headache, jittery, dizziness, lethargy, loss of appetite, generally felt awful.

Stopped taking day 6. Took 3-4 days before started feeling better, even on low dose. Horribly bad drug for me, thought i was developing serious mental health condition.

Inc HRInc anxietyInc bpFlushingJoint painFacial swellingTingling handsBurning feetTinnatisThirst

Headache blurred vision jaw pain cough earache stomach pain constipation charley horses throat pain chills felt like I had flu but didn't. Was started on 5 mg for 3 weeks than changed to 2.5 with 25 mg of Toprol ...

Stop taking almost 2 weeks and the side effects still continue off and on ... 1 day I felt better and than next 2 days feel horrible. Terrible drug

Chest pain put down to stress and extreme physical and mental fatigue. Little or no effect on blood pressure anyway.

I got a lump in my throat/swollen throat the day after I started taking this. Then within 2 or 3 Days a horrible cough, chest burning and my ear completely stopped up and I got an earache. Finally got fed up and quit. Hopefully the throat lump and cough clear up soon.

Lowered BP but unreasonable side effects. Dr. did not seem familiar with side effects. Thank goodness for Google. Geez.

Have not had any effects so far.We tested Altace (low dosage) for a year, with no results on lowering BP. I was, at the time retaining water. Once we added a water pill, BP dropped to normal and is still in normal range.

Wondering about long term effect?Feeling stiff joints? Old age or long usage?

Lump when swallowing, feels like something blocked in my throat, dry throat, neck pain, heart burn, increased acid in stomach, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, depressed and wanting to cry...didnt have any of these 3 weeks ago!!!

Dr told me today to stop focussing on the little things, after i mentioned side effects.bp is back to normal on small dose..px me omeprizole for the heart burn...hasnt made difference yet....think I may stop taking ramipril?

All of them listed except a cough. I have found that the side effects creep up on you slowly but wear off after a few hours I take mine at night and so I sleep for the first 8 hours when I get up I feel like I have the flu plus often depressed anxious or restless around 3 pm I start to feel normal and fine in the evening and then I go through the cycle again. At first it scared me but iv learnt to live with the horrible effects as my heart has really come on in leaps and bounds even to the surprise of my medical team.

Please do not be put off by ny experience Ramipril is a wonderful drug it has improved my quality of life no end. I usually try to distract myself untill they pass.i keep hoping my body will get used to them and I know an awful lot of people who get little or no side effects.

knee,ankle arms chest painsalivating drooling ,ed,rash, inflammation,incresed bp, partial blindness

should be banned. using bayesian stats to review all clinical studies shows a differential of 300 percent increase in side effects from placebo.any math student will tell you working stats the way drug co's do isincorrect and misleading to the point of scammi ng and nowhere is it disclosed that percentage of snake venom derivatives in med is omg

knee,ankle arms chest painsalivating drooling ,ed,rash, inflammation,incresed bp, partial blindness

should be banned. using bayesian stats to review all clinical studies shows a differential of 300 percent increase in side effects from placebo.any math student will tell you working stats the way drug co's do isincorrect and misleading to the point of scammi ng and nowhere is it disclosed that percentage of snake venom derivatives in med is omg

Tireness, dizziness, leg pain,

High bp, plus Kidney function GFR60

Started on 1.25 which had no effect on bp. Raised by a series of stages to 7.5mg. This not only caused dizziness, and a nasty dry cough at night, but water retention and a drop in GFR to 46. This is particularly worrying as it is supposed to support kidney function. Also, bp still not controlled. No good effects from Ramipril.

below normal ejection fraction

Dizziness,shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, tightness in chest,extreme fatigue, debilitating lower back spasms with pain in both hips as well

Cardiologist told me that 2.5 mg is the lowest dose available,which I've since found out is a flat out lie.I stopped taking this poison 5 days ago & I'm STILL having the side effects that I listed. It helped with lowering my "high" BP a bit (130/90) but the side effects cancel out any benefits.

ALTACE (RAMIPRIL): Ramipril is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Ramipril is also used to improve survival after a heart attack. It may also be used in high risk patients (such as patients with heart disease/diabetes) to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. This medication may also be used to treat heart failure in patients who have had a recent heart attack. Ramipril is an ACE inhibitor and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Bipolar I I, with mixed features.

Much better outcome, adding magnesium to regimen.

I thought starting out that this was ok. Wrong. The gas and bloating is horrible. The nausea is unavoidable. I've tried taking st night, but I'm sick between 10am-1pm. I take in the morning and I'm sick 430pm-7:30. I can't win. I just realized my breasts are tender and that's why sleep has been uncomfortable and the bloating has caused my clothes to fit less. Tonight I went on a date and thought I might faint. The nausea was horrible. I was thinking "Omg I'm pregnant" before looking online at reviews. What are the odds others are sharing my struggles? I'm going to stop taking this. No one should go through this for months just to "see" if it works or their body adjusts. Hell to the nah nah nah.

Taking 30mg 2x day completely controls acid reflux, but can't skip but one pill. If I skip two, the symptoms return. I do have a little hair loss noticed within the last month. Also, I use a wedge pillow for sleeping and sleep on my left side -- more comfortable.

Why are they going to stop the manufacturing of a drug that has proven itself over time with NO adverse social effects and it works.Doctors speak up and listen to your patients.

Horrible joint pains & psoriasis got much worse. Did not help bowel problems.

Extremely sleepy I have slept away 2 days, crazy dreams, stomache upset beyond reason, weakness thought there was something else wrong with me I am on day 3 from not taking this still feel a little upset stomach and cramps

anxiety depression panic attacks/se

Taking this because darvocet quit working, vicodin cuts the pain to a tolerable level.