Accuretic (hydrochlorothiazide; quinapril hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Accuretic (hydrochlorothiazide; quinapril hydrochloride)

Irritating ahem cough, aching joints/gout, dehydration, tiredness

I could not work out why I was so tired and sore.I was on an exercise program which was working wonderfully, and then I got extremely sore joints and such tiredness I had to give up. Turned out I was dehydrated. I'm left with an ache in my chest region. Stopped the drug and everything except chest pain has gone.

Lots and lots of flushing! This med did wonders to lower my BP, but this flushing is awful. Everyone keeps asking me if I am sunburned.

ACCURETIC (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; QUINAPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE): This product is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide. Quinapril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors and works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Hydrochlorothiazide belongs to a class of drugs known as diuretics/"water pills." It works by causing you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

If being calm, less impulsive, being able to stay on task are side effects, well I will take them. My whole family has noticed a positive difference. Yes my appetite has decreased but not a lot. I could still eat all day, I now just have the willpower to say STOP. I love that I have much more impulse control in all areas of my life.

My throat swelled and it became real hard to swallow. I also had a very hard time breathing. I thought it was because of the flu and my asthma but when it happened the next day about the same time I figured out it was a reaction to the TamiFlu. I took benedril and went to the doctor. He gave me a steroid shot and told me to stop taking it. I stayed on the benedril and threw away the Tamiflu. I did not experience the swelling the next day. My throat and chest are just sore and irritated.

ADD (primarily inattentive type)

Thirty minutes after taking the first pill I experienced a "pins and needles" feeling in my stomach which subsided after about and hour. On days 2 and 3 I also had the "pins and needles" feeling after taking the pill. Would have moments where I felt swimmy-headed, but the feeling never lasted long, maybe three minutes at a time. I did have diarrhea several times while I was taking the Z-Pak, but this could have been from something I ate. After completing all 5 days of the Z-Pak I woke up in the middle of the night soaked in a cold sweat. I had to change my clothes and flip my pillows over. I noticed my chest and neck beginning to break out. It is now 5 days since I finished the medication and I have a pimply rash all over my neck and chest which seems to be getting better. Other than that, I feel fine.

I had been taking generic Zyrtec for a long time for cat and dust mite allergies... it stopped working, so I thought I would give the name brand a shot- THAT was a mistake. It brought on, completely out of the blue, unbridled anxiety, weight gain and a lack of motivation. I thought, perhaps, my hormones were out of whack (I am on BHRT), so had them tested and there was nothing wrong- everything was balanced, so I was baffled and then realized that I had started the Zyrtec a couple of weeks ago. I didn't take it yesterday and, already, today I am feeling MUCH better. I don't recommend to anyone to ever take this crap. No wonder we live in a society with mass depression and anxiety everywhere.

I felt very dizzy, moody, eyes looked like a crazy person on some drug. Felt detached from every body, including my pets. I had a total personality change. Feel good now, I quit taking the medicine.

A temporary side affect that went away after a day or so was a feeling of being drugged and out of it. I started on 12.5 mg and went up to 25 with no problem. When I went to 50, I felt tense and couldn't sit still, had trouble drawing a deep breath. I went back to 25 and felt great for years, although I developed a habit of taking naps all the time because it just felt so good to sleep. Over time, I realized that the weight I steadily packed on was zoloft-related. I went off and lost weight fairly easily. I went back on Zoloft and the weight gain returned with a vengeance. I think it is making me crave carbs and sleep more. It depresses my sex drive, but I can still orgasm.

Miracle drug. Keeps your moods stable. Concentrate better. No weight gain. No night sweats. No depression or anxiety spells.

Out of hours doctor prescribed this at 500 mg suspension form for 5 days. Taking into account I had the flu (now over a month ago) the symptoms varied and I was in A and E the third day on a potassium IV drip over night because my heart rate was irregular and high along with other symptoms. The potassium deficiency was from severe vomiting causing electrolytes imbalance. I am inclined to think that this drug also depletes your B vitamins and others along with it, hence cracked lips. I advice if you have to take it, not too high a dose. Since been refered to ENT by GP. Still getting over mild effects.

Extreme change in mood and behavior, worsening symptoms of Dementia, restless insomnia, hallucinations, weakness, fatigue