Accupril (quinapril hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Accupril (quinapril hydrochloride)

Had to change accupril dose 10 mg daily to 15 mg daily. Now experiencing bad tiredness and fatigue.

Very bad cough, started right away. Progressively got worse. Had to get off it. Really embarressing at work.Cough improved right away, within 4 days of coming off it was much better. Now on Diovan, much better

Dry cough. It's annoying but a small annoyance. Been taking Accupril for over 20 years. As a type 1 diabetic it was prescribed to protect my kidneys and control borderline high blood pressure.

Accupril is what I prefer over generic Quinapril. Accupril works better.

doesn't seem to keep blood pressure down as in the past

expensive-but don't seem get help from quinipril

Have a sporadic dry cough as mentioned here by other users.I am switching to a generic Norvasc, as this cough is annoying to me and others around me.

since increase in dosage from 20 to 40 mg very tired. lazy, fatigue.

I have been on Accupril and Quinapril HCI, with no side effects.Two weeks ago I started taking the new Quinapril USP and having symptoms of cough, leg cramps, very tired, no energy.Is anyone else having this problem with the new switch to Quinapril made by Lupin?

Only just started taking a few weeks ago dry cough started two weeks ago although annoying I do feel better than I have done for some time

swelling feet and shortness of breath i am in a hot climate at present and the swelling did not occur when i was in a cooler climate

i was changed to accupril from accuretic and wonder if this medication is necessary as my blood prssure is on the high side of normal

Dr. changed my dosage of Quinipril ( generic) for Accupril from 40mg.(1) daily to (2) daily. After (2) increased dosages I awoke with much swelling of lips and swelling into the face. Looks like aperson who had a stroke.Truly scary. Being on Easter Sunday, Idid not attend our church service.

Not at all happy with this dosage. Must contact Doctor comeMonday morning, which will be Monday April 13, 09'

I take quinapril( generic) and by far this is the best bp med I have taken. previously was on diovan, labatelol,procardia.The only down side I seem to have had is that when I started on quinapril I started at 10 mg and that controlled my bp (unmedicated is 150/105) for about 7 months. Now I am up to 20 mg and my bp is 120/85. It seems your body adjusts to it and every so often you need to up the dosage

Dry cough;some joint and muscle pain especially when I take the generic version (quinapril). The pharmacist insists there is no difference in the formula, yet these symptoms decrease with brand, which is much more expensive on my medical plan.I have tried both-and currently take brand.

I take the lowest dosage in combination with other low dosage medicines and my blood pressure is fine.

I have been taking accupril for 12 months; it has done little to lower my blood pressure, but makes me very tired--to the point that I don't get out of bed some days. I also experiences significant weight gain, going from 171lbs to over 200 in a few months, despite working out regularly.

Have noticed some muscle weakness. Also suffer from Hypothyroid so it may be that. Beginning to experience bilateral or alternating hip / groin pains which seem to be muscular in origin rather than degenerating joints. Am beginning to wonder if Accupril is the cause.

I have been on Accupril many years. At least 7 but probably longer.

I have taken this drug for about 10 years, works good, only problem is if i forget to take it. no noticable side effects.

I have taken the drug without side effects for 2 years. However, I have recently developed the annoying cough and some shortness of breath. I am unwilling to stay on it with this symptom.

My BP will still increase to unacceptable levels under stress, so drug is not that effective for me.

ACCUPRIL (QUINAPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Quinapril is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used to treat heart failure. Quinapril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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This drug is the best thing ever. I take a very small dose about .25 MG if I know I'm starting to panic or a whole .5 MG pill if I'm having a panic attack. This is the only thing that completely stops my panic attack. It has kept me from being hospitalized several times. I've taken it for about a month straight before and didn't have a hard time coming off it. I know that it can be addictive and has the risk of being abused but if used correctly for someone with panic attacks it is a life saver.

i have heart paliptation and anxiey

I have not had a period for a few years. I had been on Femhrt 1/5 for about a year to treat hot flashes and waking up every few hours. It seemed to help a bit with flashes and sleeping but husband and I noticed I was becoming very short fused. New Gyn put me on estradiol 1 mg under tongue in AM and Prometrium 100 mg at bedtime. Felt better almost immediately.My only worries are the gas pains and continued migraines.

debilitating paranoia, euphoria and laughing at times, Increased weight gain, fear, insensitivity, bothersome changes in sex drive, long and short term memory problems, an inability to concentrate.

Some morning grogginess, but I'm okay once I get up and moving.

This medication (250mg/day) worked wonders for the bulimia, although the cognitive side effects are pretty intolerable. I tried to take the dose all at night but found it was not longer effective (bulimia comes back), so I think blood levels have to stay pretty constant (it has a short half life) to be effective for appetite control. I am off of it right now...feel very bright but am binging and purging up to twice a day. As an aside, I found it helped stabilize my mood. Ive been on antidepressants which seem to deaden the emotions...this doesnt but helped with mood swings and depression. Will go back on it as soon as I can take a "mental holiday" from life, work and school.

They should have a warning on the box about the itching and burning.They should have info on the box about whether it's okay to stop this treatment after 1 or 2 days - or, if like an antibiotic, we're supposed to keep going to avoid making things worse.Seriously, they have no helpful info on the box whatsoever!