Proscar (finasteride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Proscar (finasteride)

PROSCAR (FINASTERIDE): Finasteride is used to shrink an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) in adult men. It may be used alone or taken in combination with other medications to reduce symptoms of BPH and may also reduce the need for surgery. Finasteride may improve symptoms of BPH and provide benefits such as decreased urge to urinate, better urine flow with less straining, less of a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied, and decreased nighttime urination. This medication works by decreasing the amount of a natural body hormone (DHT) that causes growth of the prostate. Finasteride is not approved for prevention of prostate cancer. It may slightly increase the risk of developing a very serious form of prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. Women and children should not use this medication. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm still learning what the stabilizing dosage is going to be, but right now i'm on 500 mg am and 500mg pm. i've gotten some relief over that last few weeks, but i'm hoping to get more. still have anxiety, which i'd like to get rid of completely. i'm hoping my doc increases my dose to 1500mg at my appt tomorrow.

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We have tried ALL the ADHD meds for our 7 year old son and this is the one that has worked the best for him. He has EXTREMELY SEVERE ADHD. The down side is that he needs to take it 4 times a day and it's a on/off medication. But I'm very happy with this medication. He's not a zombie on it and he's a pleasant little boy who is very creative with the medication something he can't do when he's not on medication. I never knew he loved to draw so much until he started ADHD medication, he couldn't sit still long enough to enjoy it. Also he's also safer as well because he's no longer jumping off the dresser onto the bed or from sofa to sofa etc.... Very Happy with this medication and would recommend it to anyone. It's also a lot cheaper as well, we have insurance and for his child dose cost less than $20 a month for this medication. It does take away the appetite for food so we do work hard to make sure he gets enough calories. And when he's hungry he's hungry ! (written by th

Previously on Norvasc, my doctor suggested a switch to Lotrel. TERRIBLE decision. Gagging cough, especially in the morning, anxiety, dizziness, loss of appetite, leg cramps, sleeplessness & dry mouth, were just a few of the unpleassant side effects. Even after I discontinued use, the negative side effects continued for 5-7 days.

Not sure. Numbness and tingling in my arms at night when I try to sleep.

I My depressed feelings lifted away within a couple of days and felt so much better in about two weeks. I dont know if and when I will want to increase my dose. I have a big fear of anti depressants for some reason but now realise they could be beneficial for life quality. It certainly beats tranquiler class of medication that I tried which is so bad for your system to get off or Neurontin which made me gain sudden weight. I had medicated with pot for years and really the only drug I have ever used but after many years of that want to switch to an anti depressant to boost my serotonin.I do notice I crave pot more like it has done for food on this medication. In the past month Ive learned how to manage my diet such as craving for sweets keep fruit on hand but Im not sure how it will do with pot. I have wanted to ask my doctors for years what is best medication for pot addiction but my last HMO they put in my chart I was a drug user even though I do not drink do any other drugs and mostly shy away from prescription meds all together of any kind so have been afraid since to ask. Hopefully this medication will work to help with my long time depression or at least until I research through this site what best anti deppresant to take with the least amount of effects.

Dry mouth, dry nasal passages, reduced bladder urges, dry eyes.

Well flagyl didn't work for me so I use this. Basically still feel like I have BV, but burning just mild now instead of intense. Possible allergy sensitivity to something it this drug, I itch all over my body. Don't feel much relief.

My hunger has been curbed, but I have not felt the effects with regard to the depression. The doctor said I could increase the dosage to 300mg if I needed to. I may try that. I will give it another week at 150mg to see if it kicks in. I am hoping it starts to work for me on both the depression and weight loss as they seem to go hand in hand for me. (weight gain=depression; depression=weight gain)