Finasteride (finasteride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Finasteride (finasteride)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

This is POISON. Do NOT take this for any reason. Some side effects are permanent with no known treatments. I suffer from severe sexual dysfunction including sexual anhedonia (NO sensation) in genitals among many other problems caused by this poison. FORHIMS.COM poisoned me with Topical Finasteride.

Acne cleared up; I never get pimples anymore. My skin glows with health; I unexpectedly had people tell me how young I look (maybe because my skin is softer and healthier). Girls seem to pay more attention to me (maybe it's the extra confidence I've had lately, with my thickened hair, but can't say for sure). I know that these are good things, and they're the only side effects I've had.

This is a really good drug. I take this drug for hair loss, and I take FIVE times the standard amount that most guys take, and I'm glad that I do. My hair certainly seems thicker: My friends tell me that I have more hair now than I did in pictures from several years ago. It's healthier too, not oily. This drug lowers the hormone DHT, and it is this hormone which causes hair loss. This hormone also causes pimples and oily skin; that's why my acne cleared up upon using this drug. It's also safe, having been through extensive study, more so than most other drugs on the market.

FINASTERIDE (FINASTERIDE): Finasteride is used to shrink an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) in adult men. It may be used alone or taken in combination with other medications to reduce symptoms of BPH and may also reduce the need for surgery. Finasteride may improve symptoms of BPH and provide benefits such as decreased urge to urinate, better urine flow with less straining, less of a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied, and decreased nighttime urination. This medication works by decreasing the amount of a natural body hormone (DHT) that causes growth of the prostate. Finasteride is not approved for prevention of prostate cancer. It may slightly increase the risk of developing a very serious form of prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. Women and children should not use this medication. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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